School organizations may not solicit funds door-to-door without the Superintendent’s approval.

Exceptions to this policy will be:

1. Sale of tickets to scheduled athletic events and school dramatic and musical performances.

2. Sale of advertising space in school publications.

3. A fund-raising activity approved by the Superintendent or designee.

4. Proposals to raise funds for charitable purposes or for benefit of the school or community (for example: American Field Service activities, United Nations, or scholarship funds) provided such proposals have been individually approved by the building Principal and Superintendent.

No money collections of any kind may be held in the schools without the specific consent of the Committee.

All funds collected are subject to the School Committee Student Activities Account Policy JJF.

SOURCE: Georgetown

CROSS REFS.: JP, Student Gifts and Solicitations

KHA, Public Solicitations in the Schools

JJF, Student Activities Accounts

Adopted on: April 10, 2008

Revised on: January 14, 2010