As appropriate to the age of students, class or school organiza­tions and school government organizations, such as student councils, may be formed to offer practice in self-government and to serve as channels for the expression of students’ ideas and opinions.

The Committee will take into consideration student opinions in es­tablishing policies that directly affect student programs, activi­ties, privileges and other areas of student sensitivity.

Students will be welcomed at Committee meetings and granted privi­leges of speaking in line with the privileges extended to the gen­eral public.

Student Advisory Committee

As required by state law, the Committee will meet at least once every other month while school is in session with its student advi­sory committee, which is composed of five students elected by the high school student body. The chair of the student advisory committee shall be an ex-officio nonvoting member of the School Committee without the right to attend executive sessions unless such right is expressly granted by the School Committee.


LEGAL REF.: M.G.L. 71:38M

CROSS REF.: BDF, Advisory Committees to the School Committee

Adopted on: April 10, 2008