The Georgetown Public Schools are committed to providing a safe and properly maintained environment for all staff, students and visitors. To achieve this end, the School District will implement integrated pest management procedures for its buildings and grounds.

The integrated pest management procedures shall include implementation of appropriate prevention and control strategies, notification of certain pesticide and herbicide uses, record keeping, education and evaluation.

Integrated pest management procedures will determine when to control pests and what method of control to choose. Strategies for managing pest populations will be influenced by the pest species, location and whether and at what population level its presence poses a threat to people, property or the environment. The full range of action alternatives, including no action, will always be considered.


A. The Director of Finance and Operations shall develop and implement an integrated pest management program.

B. An integrated pest management program is a pest control approach that emphasizes using a balanced combination of tactics (cultural, mechanical, biological, chemical) to reduce pests to a tolerable level while using pesticides and herbicides as a last resort to minimize health, environmental and economic risks.

C. Pesticides and herbicides will be used only as a last resort, based on a review of all other available options.

D. The integrated pest management program shall strive to:

1. Reduce any potential human health hazard.

2. Reduce loss or damage to school structures or property.

3. Minimize the risk of pests from spreading in the community.

4. Enhance the quality of facility use for school and community.

5. Minimize health, environmental and economic risks.


A. When pesticides or herbicides are used, they must be classified as an EPA Category III or IV. Application of any pesticide or herbicide may be performed only by certified applicators.

B. Application of pesticides and herbicides may only be accomplished during a school break or when the building will be clear of students for at least 48 hours.


A. When pesticides or herbicides are used outdoors, notice of their use will be provided to parent/guardians, staff and students and will also be posted in a common area.

B. When pesticides and herbicides are used in a building, the site will provide a 48-hour pre-notification in the form of posting the product name, purpose, application date, time and method and the Material Safety Data Sheet on all entrance doors. A contact person will also be listed.

C. In the event of an EPA registered pesticide or herbicide application in or around a building site during the school year or summer session, notification will be made in one of the following ways:

1. Option A: Schools may elect to send a letter home at the beginning of the school year that would provide an opportunity for parents to choose whether they wish to receive notification via hard copy or email format. Should parents choose to receive the notification via email, language in the letter shall make clear that it is the parents responsibility to routinely check their email and notify the school when their email address changes. The letter shall be issued every year and be maintained by the school for five years, along with the school IPM plan. The letter shall also be provided to parents of any new or transfer students after registration at the school. See Appenidex A for a model format of an acceptable letter format.

2. Option B: Schools may elect to use Connect-Ed to notify parents of an outdoor pesticide application. The Connect-Ed call shall be made at least two working days prior to the application and direct parents to the school’s website whereby; interested parties may view copies of the standard written notification. The website shall post the three parts as outlined above. Should parents not have the capability to view the notification on the website, the school shall make a hard copy available.

3. Option C: Schools may elect to call parents individually to notify parents that an outside pesticide application is going to take place. The call shall be made at least two working days prior to the application and direct parents to the school’s website; whereby, interested parties may view copies of the standard written notification. The website shall post the three parts as outlined above. Should parents not have the capability to view the notification on the website, the school shall make a hard copy available.


A. The District will keep a record of pesticides and herbicides used, amounts and locations of treatments and will keep any Material Safety Data Sheets, product labels and manufacturer information on ingredients related to the application of the pesticides or herbicides.

B. All records of pesticides and herbicides used and correspondence will be available for public review upon notice and during normal school hours.


A. Designated staff (School Nutrition, Buildings and Grounds, etc.) will participate in sanitation and pest exclusion procedure appropriate to their roles. For example: keeping doors closed, repairing cracks, removing food waste within 12 hours, keeping lids on garbage receptacles and keeping vegetation properly out.

B. Ongoing education of all appropriate District staff will be a priority to ensure a safe and clean environment.

LEGAL REF.: Chapter 85 of the Acts of 2000, "An Act to Protect Children and Families from Harmful Pesticides."

Adopted on: November 8, 2007

Revised on: June 25, 2009