
The acceptance of personal gifts by school personnel from school suppliers, from parents and/or students can be subject to misinter­pretation and a source of embarrassment to the school system and all persons involved. When families, students, or others wish to express personal appreciation to a teacher or other staff member, the School Committee urges them to find modes of expression that do not involve personal gifts.

In keeping with this policy, no employee of the School Committee will accept a personal gift from a business concern supplying, or with an interest in supplying, goods, materials, equipment, or serv­ices to the school system. This restriction does not relate to the acceptance of gifts for the school system, nor to the acceptance of small and clearly identifiable advertising and promotional mater­ials.


In spirit, the School Committee supports the many worthwhile charitable drives that take place in the community and is gratified when school employees give them their support. However, the solicitation of funds from staff members through the use of school personnel and school time must be held at a minimum. Therefore, no solicitations of funds for charitable purposes will be made among staff members except with specific School Committee approval. Whenever such soli­citations are made, no pressure will be exerted to obtain contribu­tions even though the drive is one that the School Committee has specifically approved.

SOURCE: Georgetown

CROSS REFS.: KHA, Public Solicitations in the Schools

JP, Student Donations and Gifts

Adopted On: January 10, 2008