The School Committee has all the powers conferred upon it by state law and must perform those duties mandated by the state. These in clude the responsibility and right to determine policies and prac tices and to employ a staff to implement its directions for the proper education of the children of the community.

The Committee takes a broad view of its functions. It sees them as:

1. Legislative or policymaking. The Committee is responsible for the development of policy as guides for administrative action and for employing a Superintendent who will implement its policies.

2. Appraisal. The Committee is responsible for evaluating the effectiveness of its policies and their implementation.

3. Provision of financial resources. The Committee is responsible for adoption of a budget that will enable the school system to carry out the Committee's policies.

4. Public relations. The Committee is responsible for providing adequate and direct means for keeping the local citizenry informed about the schools and for keeping itself and the school staff informed about the needs and wishes of the public.

5. Educational planning and evaluation. The Committee is responsible for establishing educational goals and policies that will guide the Committee and staff for the administration and continuing improvement of the educational programs provided by the School District.


LEGAL REF.: M.G.L. 71:37 specifically, but powers and duties of School Committees are established throughout the Massachusetts General Laws.

CROSS REF.: BB, School Committee Legal Status

Adopted on: September 27, 2007