All staff members will be encouraged in and provided with suitable opportunities for the development of increased competencies beyond those they may attain through the performance of their assigned du­ties and assistance from supervisors.

Opportunities for professional growth may be provided through such means as the following:

1. Planned in-service programs and workshops offered within the school system from time to time; these may include participation by outside consultants.

2. Membership on curriculum development committees drawing personnel from within and without the school system.

3. Professional development days for visits to other classrooms and schools and for attendance at conferences, workshops, and other professional meetings.

4. Leaves of absence for graduate study, research, and travel.

5. Partial payment of tuition for approved courses (per contract).

The Superintendent will have authority to approve or deny released time for conferences and visitations and reimbursements for expen­ses, provided such activities are within budget allocations for the purpose.

SOURCE: Georgetown

CONTRACT REF.: “Agreement between Georgetown School Committee and Georgetown Education Association” Articles XVIII and XIX

Adopted On: January 10, 2008