

The major purpose of the school system's transportation services is to aid students in getting to and from school in an efficient, safe, and economical manner. Pupils utilizing public school transportation enjoy a privilege accorded by the Town rather than an inherent right to transportation.

There are three (3) critical times involved for the pupils being transported:

1. The Bus Stop

(a) Parents are advised to urge their children not to use the bus stop as a play area.

(b) Riders must be on time. Bus drivers will not wait.

(c) Riders will enter or leave the bus at regular stops only.

(d) Orderly behavior and respect for private property will be required.

2. Boarding the Bus

a) The riders must follow instructions and directions of the driver when entering or leaving the bus.

3. Riding the Bus

Once on the bus, supervision is by the bus driver. As common courtesy and for the safety of all, children are expected to behave in an orderly manner. Misbehavior could divert the bus driver's attention and cause an accident on an accident. For this reason, regulations pertaining to pupil conduct on buses are fairly strict. Repeated misbehavior can result in loss of riding privileges. Bus misconduct notices will be reserved for those cases where verbal warnings and reprimanding have been unsuccessful. A written notification from the bus driver will be sent home with the child addressing the misbehavior. Parents are required to sign the notice and students should return the signed notice to the bus driver on the following school day. Both the bus driver and the school office will keep this notice on file. The disciplinary action taken increases based on repeated bus privileges. Do not lose your riding privilege!

(a) Observe same acceptable conduct code as in the classroom.

(b) Be courteous.

(c) Do not yell, argue or use disrespectful/profane language.

(d) Do not eat or drink on the bus.

(e) Keep the bus clean.

(f) No littering.

(g) Cooperate with the driver.

(h) Do not be disruptive or destructive.

(i) Riders must remain in seats or in place when the bus is in motion.

(j) Keep hands and feet inside the bus.

(k) Remember that the bus driver is authorized to assign seats.

(l) Smoking is prohibited.

Parents will be held responsible for any defacing or damaging of the bus.

Emergency evacuation drills will be conducted at least once a year to acquaint student riders with procedures in emergency situations.

Parents and students will be informed of these regulations through the appropriate School Handbook at the beginning of each school year, and parents will be asked to returned forms indicating that the regulations have been received and read.

Bus Changes

Pupils are not allowed to change buses except for emergency purposes. Such emergencies require that a parent send a note in with the pupil to the school for approval. The switching of buses for play purposes or to accommodate one's personal schedule is not allowed.

Shuttle Bus Eligibility Notice

To all parents of children who ride the shuttle bus from Penn Brook: Penn Brook students that live close enough to walk to Perley should take the shuttle bus between schools. Students getting their own transportation in the morning should be dropped off

NOTE: Identical regulations can be found in individual school Handbooks.

SOURCE: Georgetown

Adopted on: April 10, 2008