
The nature of the duties and responsibilities of administrators and supervisors will require their hours of work to vary and extend as necessary to fulfill the requirements of their positions.

During the course of their contract year, all administrators will be expected to work during the hours and on the days that the Superintendent's office is open unless special scheduling arrangements have been made with the Superintendent. On days schools are closed because of bad weather or other emergencies, all staff members ex­cept those who work only on teacher work days are required to report to work as soon as they are able to do so.

The working year for administrators will be established individually through their contracts.


Generally, the working day for teachers will be determined by the hours established for students and the language of the collective bargaining agreement.

SOURCE: Georgetown

CONTRACT REF: "Agreement between Georgetown School Committee and Georgetown Education Association” Article VIII

LEGAL REF.: M.G.L. 71:80

Adopted On: January 10, 2008