School Building Committee

The town administrator creates a school building committee for specific building projects. These committees act as the administrative authority for the projects, subject to approval of various actions by the School Committee and town.

The school building committee has the following responsibilities:

1. To study and make recommendations to the town with respect to school building needs.

2. To review thoroughly with the Superintendent and the School Committee the educational requirements in relation to school buildings.

3. To review previous studies and initiate needed studies with or without consultative assistance.

4. To employ the services of architects and cost estimators and such other professional assistance as it may deem necessary.

Staff Planning

Arrangements will be made by the Superintendent, working through principals, for the school staff to contribute in the planning of new school buildings. Teachers will be given the opportunity to submit suggestions for possible inclusion in the educational specifications.

Adoption date: January 22, 2004

LEGAL REFS.: M.G.L. 71:37C and D; 71:68; 71:70

Massachusetts Board of Education Regulations Governing the School Building Assistance Act,

Chapter 645 of the Acts of 1948 as amended, FY 79

Board of Education 603 CMR, 38:00 and 603 CMR 26:07

SOURCE: Georgetown

Adopted On: November 8, 2007