It is the responsibility of the Superintendent, with the assistance of the administrative staff, to determine the personnel needs of the school system and it is the responsibility of the Principal, in consultation with the Superintendent, to determine the personnel needs of the individual schools. In addition, school councils may review personnel requirements as a means of evaluating the needs of a school. Any recommendations for the creation or elimination of a position must be approved by the School Committee.

Whenever any vacancy in a professional position occurs during the school year (September to June), it will be adequately publicized by the Superintendent by means of a notice placed on the Teachers’ Lounge bulletin board in every school and adequately publicized through the newspapers. During the months of July and August, written notice of any such vacancy will be mailed to the Association President and posted in the Superintendent’s and Principals’ offices.

The search for good teachers and other professional employees will extend to a wide variety of educational institutions and geograph­ical areas. It will take into consideration the characteristics of the town and the need for a heterogeneous staff from various cultur­al backgrounds.

Recruitment procedures will not overlook the talents and potential of individuals already employed by the school system. Any current employee may apply for any position for which he or she has certification and meets other stated requirements.

Openings in the schools will be posted in sufficient time, before the position is filled, to permit current employees to submit appli­cations.

All qualified teachers positioned in the Georgetown School System will be given twenty-one (21) days from the date of posting to make application for such positions, and the Superintendent and/or Principal agrees to give due weight to the professional background and attainments of all applicants, the length of time each has been in a school system, and other relevant facts.

SOURCE: Georgetown

LEGAL REFS.: Collective Bargaining Agreements

CONTRACT REF.: “Agreement between Georgetown School Committee and Georgetown Education Association”

Adopted On: January 10, 2008