The School Committee recognizes that acts of vandalism are costly and require prompt attention which may include educational programs that are aimed at reducing vandalism.

Every citizen of the town, staff members, students, and members of the police department are urged by the School Committee to cooper­ate in reporting any incidents of vandalism to property under con­trol of the school department, and the name(s) of the person or per­sons believed to be responsible. Each employee will report to the Principal of the school every incident of vandalism known to him/her and, if known, the names of those responsible.

The Superintendent is authorized to sign a criminal complaint and to press the charges against perpetrators of vandalism against school property, and is further authorized to delegate, as he/she sees fit, au­thority to sign such complaints and to press charges.

Parents and students will be made aware of the legal implications involved. Reimbursement will be sought for all or part of any dam­ages. The Principal may apply disciplinary action as outlined in the student handbook.


Adopted on: November 8, 2007