Good citizenship in schools is based on respect and consideration for the rights of others.

Students will be expected to conduct themselves in a way that the rights and privileges of others are not violated. They will be required to respect constituted authority, to conform to school rules and to those provisions of law that apply to their conduct.

Any of the following actions may subject a student to expulsion by the Principal under the terms of M.G.L. 71:37H:

1. Found on school premises or at school-sponsored or school-related events, including athletic games, in possession of a dangerous weapon or a controlled substance.

2. Who assaults a Principal, Assistant Principal, teacher, teacher's aide or other educational staff member on school premises or at school-sponsored or school-related event including athletic games.

Any of the following actions will subject a student to suspension, expulsion, subject to School Committee action, or other disciplinary measures:

1. Intentionally causing or attempting to cause damage to school property; or stealing or attempting to steal school property.

2. Intentionally causing or attempting to cause damage to private property; stealing or attempting to steal private property.

3. Intentionally causing or attempting to cause physical injury to another person except in self-defense.

4. Using or copying the academic work of another and presenting it as his own without proper attribution.

5. Repeatedly and intentionally defying the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, or administrators.

The above prohibited actions will be printed in a handbook or other publication and made available to students and parents.

School building administrators will not suspend a student, or recom­mend a student for suspension or expulsion, unless the student has engaged in one of the prohibited actions mentioned above while on school property or taking part in a school activity off school grounds.


LEGAL REF: M.G.L. 71:37H

Adopted on: April 10, 2008