The annual budget is the financial expression of the educational program of the school department.

The budget is more than just a financial instrument and requires on the part of the Committee, the staff, and the community orderly and cooperative effort to ensure sound fiscal practices for achieving the educational goals and objectives of the school system.

Public school budgeting is regulated and controlled by legislation, state regulation and local School Committee requirements. The operating budget for the school system will be prepared and presented in line with state policy and will be developed and refined in accordance with these same requirements.

The Superintendent will serve as budget officer but he/she may delegate portions of this responsibility to members of his/her staff as he/she deems appropriate. The three general areas of responsibility for the Superintendent as budget officer will be budget preparation, presentation, and administration.

LEGAL REFS. M.G.L. 71:34; 71:37 and 71:38N

SOURCE: Georgetown

Adopted on: October 11, 2007