DN - Disposal of Surplus Policy

The School Committee retains the option of disposing outright by any means of any supply or equipment that is no longer useful to the Committee.  Such supply or equipment will be disposed of by the following manner:

If the value is less than $10,000, as determined by the Director of Finance and Operations, the item shall be declared surplus by the Superintendent or his/her designee.  The surplus declaration will be sent to the Committee which may concur with the recommendation, declare said item as surplus, and authorize disposition.  The Director of Finance & Operations will first offer the item to other City departments.  If there is no interest, the Director may advertise such item and award it to the highest responsible bidder.  If no interest is shown, the item may be disposed of.

If the value is equal to or greater than $10,000, as determined by the Director of Finance and Operations, the item shall be declared surplus by the Superintendent or his/her designee.  The surplus declaration will be sent to the Committee which may concur with the recommendation, declare said item as surplus, and authorize disposition.  In accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 30B, the Director of Finance & Operations will prepare of notice of sale which includes a description of the item, where and when the item can be inspected, terms and conditions of the sale and the deadline for submitting bids.  The Director will establish a rule for award, advertise the sale, open the bids and record the sale.  The surplus item will be awarded to the responsive bidder offering the highest price for the item.

Other disposal methods, yard sales, silent auctions, online auctions or live auctions may be used if approved by the Superintendent and the School Committee.

Adopted: 8-25-2022