Responsibility for the review and selection of textbooks to be purchased shall rest with the Principal of each school. The Principal is encouraged through the School Committee to establish a review committee to assist in the process to determine the textbooks that best meet the curriculum guidelines of the district. The committee should include teachers who will use the texts and other staff members as found desirable. Students and parents will be encouraged to serve.

A change may be made in the textbooks used by the public schools by a 2/3 vote of the whole School Committee at a meeting thereof, notice of such intended change having been given at a previous meeting.

The purchases of revised editions of the same text are not considered as new adoptions.

LEGAL REF.: 71:48; 30B:7; 71:50

603 CMR 26:05

SOURCE: Georgetown

CROSS REF.: KEC, Public Complaints about the Curriculum or Instructional Materials

Adopted on: April 24, 2008