The basic consideration in the assignment of professional staff mem­bers will be the needs of the students and the instructional pro­gram.

Therefore, the assignment and transfer of professional staff members will be accomplished by the Superintendent on the basis of the employee's qualifications, the needs of the school system, and the employees' expressed desires.

Care will be exercised by the Superintendent to assure that all schools are staffed with effective teachers.

Within an individual school, the building administrator will have the authority to assign classes and courses, provided this is done with full regard for the teacher's area of certification and the policies delineated above.

Teachers will be notified in writing of their teaching assignments, the schools to which they will be assigned, the grades that they will teach, and any special or unusual class that they will have, no later than July 1, whenever possible.

SOURCE: Georgetown

CONTRACT REF.: “Agreement between Georgetown School Committee and Georgetown Education Association” Article IX

Adopted On: January 10, 2008