In the event it becomes necessary to reduce the number of staff mem­bers, the school department will follow the procedure below:

1. Teachers without professional teacher status generally will be terminated first if there is a qualified teacher with professional teacher status to fill the position.

2. Should all teachers in the areas subject to reduction be fully certified, the Superintendent will review the performance of teachers without professional teacher status and make recommendations for termination without prejudice.

Prior to making a decision, the Superintendent must be sure that there are teachers who are qualified and certified to perform all of the needed duties of the terminated teachers.

All certified personnel terminated for purposes of reduction in force may be considered for reemployment as vacancies occur in positions for which they are qualified. Opportunity for re-employment will be extended for two years to personnel in the reverse order of the termination order above. If recall is refused, the staff mem­ber's name will be dropped from the list.

The District will follow all of the requirements of the law in terminating teachers in order to reduce staff.

SOURCE: Georgetown

LEGAL REFS.: M.G.L. 71:41; 71:42

CONTRACT REFS.: Collective Bargaining Agreements

Adopted On: January 10, 2008