The School Committee will transact all business at official meetings of the Committee. These are identified as “a deliberation by a public body with respect to any matter within the body and jurisdiction” with certain exceptions. These may be either regular or special meetings, defined as follows:

  1. Regular meeting: the usual official legal action meeting, held twice monthly on Thursdays at 7:00 pm (except July and August) in accordance with a schedule and locations determined by the Committee. Any changes may be made with the consent of the Committee. Notice of any adjournment to a later date shall be given to absent members.

  1. Special meeting: an official legal action meeting called between scheduled regular meetings to consider specific topics.

Every meeting of the School Committee, regular or special, will be open to the public unless an executive session is held in accordance with state law. Exceptions specifically include:

  • A quorum at an on-site inspection

  • Attendance by a quorum at a conference or training program or a media, social, or other event

  • Attendance by a quorum at a meeting of another governmental body

  • A meeting of a quasi-judicial board held for the sole purpose of making a decision in a adjudiciatory proceeding

A quorum to conduct business shall be a majority of the members of the Committee.

LEGAL REFS.: M.G.L. 39:23A; 39:23B; 39:23C

SOURCE: Georgetown

Revised on: October 14, 2010