

Admission to Course of Study

(1) Each and every course of study offered by a public school shall be open and available to students regardless of race, color, sex, religion, disability, sexual orientation or national origin. Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the use of prerequisite requirements that have been demonstrated to be essential to success in a given program. However, if participation in a course or program is dependent upon completion of a prerequisite which was previously limited to students of one sex, or if close scrutiny reveals that access mechanisms or other administrative arrangements have limited the opportunities of any class of students to participate in such prerequisites, then all members of the previously excluded group shall be given the opportunity to acquire the prerequisites or be allowed to enter the program without such prerequisites. If it cannot be shown that a prerequisite is essential for success in a given program, the prerequisite shall be abolished.

(2) The determination of what courses or units of study are to be required of any student shall also be made without regard to the race, color, sex, national origin, disability, sexual orientation or religion of that student.

(3) The scheduling of students into courses or units of study shall not be done on the basis of sex, color, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation or national origin.

(4) Each student, regardless of race, color, sex, national origin, religion, disability, sexual orientation or limited English-speaking ability, shall have equal rights of access to courses of study and other opportunities available through the school system of the city or town in which he/she resides, along with appropriate bilingual instruction and programs or other curriculum offerings of a supportive nature such as appropriate remedial programs.

(5) Nothing in 603 CMR 26.03 shall be construed to prevent particular segments of a program of instruction from being offered separately to each sex when necessary in order to respect personal privacy.


LEGAL REFS.: M.G.L. 15:1G; 76:1; 76:5; 76:15; 76:15A

603 CMR 26:01; 26:02; 26:03

Adopted on: April 10, 2008