October 3, 2022 - VOLUME 7, EDITION 9

A Newsletter for Families of Solar Preparatory School for Girls

PARENT HHM Calendar (1).pdf


8:00am - 4:00pm


7:30-8:00 am


7:30-7:55 am


8:00-8:10 am


(Henderson Doors)






Principal Santos

A lesser known fact about the upcoming month of October is that it can bring about what experts have referred to as the October Blues - a shakedown, or period of adjustment for teachers, parents and students.

For parents, the demands of both work and home are always tough to balance. While some families may have finally settled into the daily routines before and after school, now all the extra-curricular activities have begun. With afterschool activities, practices, games and birthday parties in full swing, it can become challenging to figure out how to fit it all in AND provide your child with the academic support they need.

For students, as initial get-to-know-you activities and beginning of year assessments have come to an end, the real work has begun. Rising to high expectations requires effort and perseverance. It takes skill and determination to help our kids face challenges by leaning into the discomfort that comes with learning and growing. Instead of focusing on improvement and practice, students who have not experienced any academic challenges in months may seek to avoid situations in which they might fail or require them to work hard before achieving success. We see these challenges most pronounced for students transitioning from 2nd to 3rd grade and from 5th to 6th grade, but for most students this shift happens every year!

By October, the honeymoon phase is over for teachers as well. They have gotten to know all of of their students, have analyzed data and are now feeling the expectations from administration and the district to perform. They must ensure that instruction is differentiated for each group of students. They are expected to build lessons to increase engagement. Teachers are also expected to help students build an awareness of their mindset and how to increase their capacity to eagerly take on challenges. At the same time, they understand their responsibility to create a safe and loving learning enviroment, build relationships with families, be responsive and helpful, ensure that technology is in tact and that each one of their students' needs are being met.

So what can we all do to support one another and our Trailblazers through this period of adjustment? This year as a staff, we have been working to build culture and increase empathy. One way we have approached this challenge is to focus on mindsets. Being aware of your thoughts, self-talk and reluctance to take on challenges can be empowering if done in the right way. Our coffee with the principal next month will be all about mindsets, but for now, here are some small things you can do to brave the October Blues.

  1. Give yourself some grace. You don't have to do it all! You are doing a great job! Our kids are resilient and most of the time they just want to spend time with us, their parents! - (yes, even in middle school!) They don't have to attend every party and event this year. Prioritize the things that help you to most live by your values and be ok with it!

  2. Help your child lean into challenges. We don't learn to brave storms in sunny weather. If your child is experiencing a challenge in school, don't minimize it, or help them find ways to avoid it. Instead say something like, "Yes, division can be very hard, but I know you will get there. It will take a lot of practice, and I will help cheer you on along the way." I used to always say to my own students, "No pain, no gain. Learning is hard, but all of you are capable of doing hard things." Normalize working through challenges, not around them. Your kids will thank you later!

  3. Cheer on your child's teacher! Teachers are the center of our students' success and there is no job more important or more challenging than teaching. It is beyond amazing walking through the halls seeing our teachers in action putting forth every ounce of their passion to create awesome experiences for our Trailblazers! A little love makes a HUGE impact. Send them a note to or shout them out HERE to tell them how much you appreciate all they do - (it is so much more than you will ever know!)

  4. Assume positive intent. You've probably heard when stress is high - our bodies are impacted, but did you know that our thoughts can be impacted, too? This means that stress can lead to making negative assumptions about the intentions of others when things don't go our way. We are all going through our own challenges this month! The best way to show our empathy toward one another and walk in positivity together is to realize that at the end of the day as parents, teachers and members of this amazing community we all want what is best for our Trailblazers and that is what we are ALL here for!

As we move further into the month of celebrations, events, costumes, pumpkins and (hopefully) some cooler weather, I look forward to continuing to build a community of empathy and self-awareness. The October Blues may be challenging, but we are Trailblazers! May we continue to empower one another and share our love and support.

As we say in our staff pledge every morrning before we greet our girls, "I know I don't have to do all of it alone, I was never meant to."



Beginning this week, the ONLY beverage allowed to be consumed in classrooms is WATER! Students are encouraged to have a LABELED water bottle with them all day and may refill it throughout the day, as needed.

All other beverages will be allowed to be consumed in the cafeteria ONLY. If students bring any type of morning beverage such as coffee, a smoothie or juice, and they arrive before 8AM, they will be given time to consume their beverage in the cafeteria. At 8 AM or when students exit the cafeteria, beverages other than water must be disposed of before entering the hallway beyond the cafeteria.

Thank you for helping us to ensure that every bit of energy we have is focused on instruction and that the cleanliness and attention in our learning environment is prioritized. (And helping us make sure that our only encounter with creepy crawlers is in the spooky stories we may read this month!)


These buttons are designed to make the navigation of this page easier. Some of the buttons won't change from week to week, but others will have updates. We will separate the ones out that contain NEW OR UPDATED INFO to let you know if there are any new updates! Your continued feedback is always appreciated. Let us know if there are ways we can make this newsletter even better!


Don't forget to donate outgrown uniforms! We accept laundered uniforms year-round. Donation bins can be found near carline and off Henderson- THANK YOU! For more information, email us at


Dollar Free Dress Day now Friday, September 30!
Scholars may donate $1 toward staff appreciation in order to wear free dress bottoms (within school district guidelines) with their House shirt.

CLICK HERE to visit the Solar Girls Parent Community Website for MORE information and upcoming happenings!



Trunk or Treat!

Friday, October 28th at 6:00pm

Solar Prep Girls school parking lot

Volunteers needed for the planning committee - please sign up in the Volunteer link of the Community Website!