Summer Term - Week 4

Please scroll down for collective worship Tuesday - Friday

Monday 11th May

Hello Everyone. It's Mrs Scott here with you again this week. I hope you managed to have a good weekend. How did you celebrate VE Day on Friday?

Please sing today's hymn.

Please click here for the audio track.

A man for all the people.ppt
Greyfriars Bobby.ppt

Which Fruit of Friendship with God is left?

Please read the presentation on Greyfriars’ Bobby. This story is about a dog who embodied this quality.

Think about...

The little dog, Bobby, Bobby, showed great faithfulness to his master, John. On Bobby’s memorial are the words, ‘Let his loyalty and devotion be a lesson to us all’. That means we can learn from the example of the little dog, to be faithful and loyal. Christians believe they should be faithful to God even if it gets them into trouble, even if they get laughed at or teased.

Can you think of times that you have been faithful or when someone has been faithful to you?

Bible Link


Dear God,

May we learn from the example of the little dog to be faithful to you and to the people we love and not to let them down as soon as things get difficult.


I hope you all have a lovely day.

Tuesday 12th May

Good morning everyone. I hope you had a good day yesterday.

Today we are going to start thinking about something different in collective worship, although we will mention our Fruits of Friendship God.

Please sing today's hymn

Click here for the audio track.

Be still for the presence of the lord.ppt


Over the last couple of months we have all been using lots of different ways to talk to the people we care about.

We also use a number of different means of communication to find out information.

How many methods of communication can you think of?

How many will you use today?


This week we are going to think about how Christians communicate with God through prayer.

Unlike other methods of communication, prayer needs no equipment, no special language. It can take place anywhere and at any time. Christians believe they can pray in any place at any time and God will listen and act. They believe God is never too busy to listen.

Bible Link

Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.

Isaiah 65:24

Think about...

How many methods of communication will you use today?

Do you spend more time listening to others or speaking?

Try to listen to others today.


Dear God,

Thank you for always listening to us and thank you for being concerned about every part of our lives.


Wednesday 13th May

Good morning everyone. I hope you and your family are keeping well.

Today we are continuing our theme of Prayer.

Please sing today's hymn which also a prayer. It is called The Prayer of St. Francis. It is a well known prayer that people say when they need strength and calm. It is also a prayer for peace.

Click here for the audio track.

Make me a channel of your peace.ppt


Yesterday we thought about different ways to communicate and send messages.

These children have received messages. What do you think the messages say? Who are they from? Have you sent or received any messages recently?

Think about...

A prayer is a message to God.

What might the message say?

  • It can be telling God how good he is, like a letter to a friend where you say lovely things to them.

  • It can be saying sorry.

  • The prayer might ask for something for you or someone else. However a prayer is not a shopping list of 'wants', instead it should be about things you need such as health or friendship.

  • It might be a message of thanks, just like a 'thank you' letter.

  • Prayer can also be telling God how we feel, just like we might confide in a good friend


Dear Lord,

Thank you that we can say many different things to you. Help us to remember that and not just ask you for things.


Thursday 14th May

Good morning everyone. It's Canon Mandy here! I am so pleased to be with you today.

Please join together for the hymn. This hymn was requested by Betty.

Click here for the audio track.

Lord of the Dance.pptx

A Meeting in the Garden

Have you ever felt so happy that you want it to last forever?

That is how happy Jesus’ friend Mary felt on the first Easter Morning. So happy that she wanted to hold on to Jesus and keep him with her for ever.

The morning had not started out very happily. It was Sunday, three days after Jesus died on the cross, when Mary went to the cave where his body was being kept.

It was very early in the morning.

I wonder if you have ever been awake very early, before other people get up, when all you can hear is the birds singing and the clouds are still pink before the sun is properly risen?

No-one else was around, and Mary was very sad when she got to the cave and found that the huge stone in front of the door way had been rolled away. When she looked inside, the body of Jesus was gone.

Mary was very sad and she was crying. She wondered who had taken the body of her friend away?

When a strange man came towards her, she thought it was the gardener and so she asked about the body from the cave. “Where have they taken him?” she said.

I don’t think she was really looking at the stranger, until he said her name,


Then she looked up and recognised Jesus, alive!

She really wanted to hug him, to hold him tight, to be sure that he was alive and that he wasn’t going to leave her again.

But Jesus had a job for her to do.

“Don’t hold on to me,” he said, “Go and tell our friends that you have seen me and that I am alive.”

Think about....

By giving Mary this important job, Jesus showed her that she was one of his special friends. He helped her to be brave and to trust him.

We don’t know if Mary saw Jesus alive again like this. We do know that she went straight to the disciples, the special friends of Jesus, and told them the good news that Jesus was alive in a new and amazing way. She kept on doing that important job, so that more and more people knew about Jesus, even people who had never known him when he was alive on Earth.

When we can’t see our friends and hug them, we still know that they are there, somewhere. You might be keeping contact with them using Facetime or WhatsApp just at the moment. You will be looking forward to the time when you can see them properly, play together, have a hug.

You can be with Jesus all the time, because he doesn’t need to be on Facetime. We can talk to him all the time just by praying, talking to him in our heads or out loud.

Jesus promised that he would be with his friends for ever.

I wonder where you might find him today?


Dear God,

Thank you for giving us your son Jesus, to be with us all the time.


Friday 15th May

Good morning everyone.

Thank you to Canon Mandy for yesterday's collective worship.

Please join together for our hymn.

Click here for the audio track.



A compliment is a positive comment that one person might say to another.

Here are some examples:

  • I've noticed how hard you've been trying.

  • You're incredibly thoughtful.

  • Your practice is really paying off.

  • You make me proud everyday.

  • You're a great teammate.

How does it make you feel to give or receive a compliment?


This week we have been thinking about prayer.

Today we are going to start thinking of what might be included in a prayer.

Praise is a way of saying something good about God or giving God a compliment. Christians praise God when they start their prayers by telling God how great he is.

What sort of comments do you think Christians might write about God?

Think about...

What compliments could you give others today?


Dear God,

Thank you for being loving and kind, faithful and just. Thank you for being all the good things we can think of.


Have a lovely weekend.