Summer 2 - Week 1

Monday 7th June

Welcome back to school. I hope you had a good half term. Wasn't the weather funny? A few days of beautiful sunshine and some rainy days too!

Be still for the presence of the lord.ppt

Tell a partner what you did when it was sunny this half term?

Tell a partner what you did when it was raining?

Did you read any interesting books?

Lots to look forward to

This is the last half term of the school year and there is a lot to look forward to including class trips, sports days, Year 6 production, lots of exciting learning and hopefully some sunshine! I hope you enjoy this half term at school and work hard as usual.

Colours for Chloe

School Council wanted to raise money for Chloe Balloqui who lives not too far away in Pimlico. She is 10 years old and fighting cancer. Her family are raising money for treatment.

•On Friday 11th June please come to school wearing colourful socks or tights.

•Please wear the rest of your school uniform as usual. The only difference will be the colour of your socks or tights.

•If you can, on Friday 11th June, please bring a donation in an envelope and put it in the class box (suggested donation £2).

•The donation is voluntary, you can still wear colourful socks if you do not bring in a donation.

If you have any questions please ask your School Council member.

Can you remember...

Before half term we were thinking about Pentecost. Can you remember the 3 symbols of the Holy Spirit that we thought about?

Trinity Sunday

During half term it was Trinity Sunday. Can you think of some words that start with the 'tri' prefix? What does 'tri' mean?

The word ‘Trinity’ is very important in Christianity as it explains the way that Christians understand the nature of God. For Christians, God is trinity, that is, a tri unity or three united together.

God is three in one at the same time. We call these parts, ‘Father’, ‘Son’ and ‘Holy Spirit’.

St Patric
k used a shamrock to help people understand the Trinity. Although it is one plant, it has three separate leaves but one stem. So the Trinity is three separate parts to the same centre.

The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are separate but they are facets, faces, of the same God.

God the Father, the one who cares for us and loves us like a good father. He is the creator of the world. God the Son is Jesus. He was sent to earth as a human being. He is both fully God and fully human. He is the example of how to be.
God the Holy Spirit is God present and working in the world. Like the wind, the Holy Spirit cannot be seen but the Spirit’s power can be felt.


Dear God,

Thank you for loving and caring for us. Thank you for the example of Jesus. Thank you that you send your Holy Spirit to act in the world and within people's lives, changing them for the better.


Tuesday 8th June

Good Morning Everyone. This half term we will be thinking about the names and titles of Jesus.

Make me a channel of your peace


Can you think of some titles and what they mean?

If someone is called Dr. Jones, what do we know about that person?

My name is Mrs. Scott. What does my title mean?

First Names

Names are usually given to us by our parents although sometimes people choose to change their name when they get older. My first name is Filiz. It is a Turkish name because my dad is Turkish. It means 'little bud'. My parents chose it because I was born in the spring when all the trees are in bud. June's name is June because she was born on 1st June.

What does your first name mean?

Middle Names

Sometimes people are named after someone in their family. My middle name is Charlotte and I am named after my great grandmother, Lottie Stafford. She lived on a street called Paradise Walk in London and was an artist's model. This is a painting of her in 1905 - it is currently hanging in an art gallery. Apparently after she had finished her work she would say to the artist, "I'm off to paradise now, bye". I am proud to be named after her.

Recently Harry and Meghan had a daughter. They have called her Lilibet 'Lili' Diana. Lilibet was the Queen's childhood nickname and Diana was Harry's mother's name.

Are you named after someone in your family?

Names and Titles of Jesus

Christians call Jesus by many names and titles. Over the next weeks we shall explore some of them. They will tell us about the job he did and how important he is to Christians.


Lord Jesus,

Thank you for your special name and that it tells us that you came to help us.

Thank you, too, for our names that were specially chosen for us.


Wednesday 9th June

Good Morning Cathedral School, today we will begin to think about the names and titles of Jesus.

The spirit lives to set us free.ppt


Work with partner to give the following directions:

  • Campsite to the pier

  • Funfair to the lighthouse

  • Fish and chip shop to the car park

Did you both find it tricky or easy? Why?

We all need people to help us through life, to give us directions on how to live, but you have to make sure the directions are correct. Some directions are wrong, others hard to follow.

Usually it is easier to be lead by a person than to follow directions as you have someone with you to show you the way.

The Way

If you were lost in the Middle East (the part of the world that Jesus came from) and asked someone for directions, if that person was going the same way as you , they would say, "I am the Way". Meaning "I will travel with you."

Jesus called himself 'The Way'. Why?

If someone wanted to know how to find God or live as God's friend Jesus would show them the way an travel with them through life. He also said this, "I will be with you all the time, even to the end of the world."

We are never alone, God is always with them. Jesus said of himself, "I am the way." That means he will travel through life with people and he will always be there to lead and guide them and show the way to God.

Colours for Chloe

School Council wanted to raise money for Chloe Balloqui who lives not too far away in Pimlico. She is 10 years old and fighting cancer. Her family are raising money for treatment.

•On Friday 11th June please come to school wearing colourful socks or tights.

•Please wear the rest of your school uniform as usual. The only difference will be the colour of your socks or tights.

•If you can, on Friday 11th June, please bring a donation in an envelope and put it in the class box (suggested donation £2).

•The donation is voluntary, you can still wear colourful socks if you do not bring in a donation.

If you have any questions please ask your School Council member.


Dear God,

Thank you that we are never really alone, you are always there as an unseen friend.


Thursday 10th June

This morning our worship will be led by Canon Wendy.

Good morning Cathedral School. I hope that you all had a good half term and are enjoying being back at school.


This is one of my favourites. I hope you enjoy listening to it.


Today we are going to think about gentleness and how we might try to be gentle to each other. As we do that I want to tell you about our two cats (they are brother and sister from the same litter) and they each have their favourite places in the house. One loves to settle down on my daughter’s bed (on the specially bought cat blanket!) and he sleeps there all day and often for most of the night cuddled up next to her. He loves to be stroked especially if we are very gentle with him when he is on her bed and sound asleep. The other cat has a favourite spot in my son’s bedroom and no matter how gentle we are with her most of the time she is best left alone to be with us when she wants to be but not to be touched otherwise.

This is Hamilton on his blanket on my daughter’s bed!

This is Peggy on my son’s desk – her favourite spot!

This is them together when they were smaller. They still sit together like this sometimes.

Sometimes they like to be together and will sit quietly and gently next to each other or near each other and other times they fight really, really badly and are not at all loving and gentle. We love our cats to bits but we much prefer them when they are gentle and nice to each other. It seems to me that our cats are a bit like us at times.

We never quite know why they have got angry with each other but they do and they get angry with us too at times when we wake them up.

I wonder what makes you cross? I wonder too if sometimes you are gentle and nice to your brothers or sisters or your friends and whether sometimes you are fed up about something or cross and you are not quite so nice and gentle with others around you. I know that when I am tired or have too many things to do I get very irritable and cross with people and am not gentle in the way I speak or act and I know that this is not how God would want me to be.

The Bible is full of references to how God would like us to be gentle with each other and with ourselves. It is one of the fruits of the Spirit that we have been thinking about in the last term. We read: ‘…, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against such things. (Galatians 5:22-23)

The Bible also urges us to: ‘Let your gentleness be known to everyone.’ (Philippians 4:5) and tells us told that ‘A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.’ (Proverbs 15:1) and that as God’s people we should show ‘compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience’ to those around us. (Colossians 3:12)

Jesus himself was gentle and kind to those around him who turned to him and needed his help; he healed people of their illnesses and forgave them their sins. He did get angry but with those people who were not doing as God would want them too.

So as we go through the day and the next few weeks let’s try to be gentle with ourselves and each other just as Jesus was kind and gentle and would want us to be.



  • Please come to school wearing colourful socks or tights. They can be odd or matching, it is up to you!

  • Please wear the rest of your school uniform as usual. The only difference will be the colour of your socks or tights.

  • If you can, on Friday 11th June, please bring a donation in an envelope and put it in the class box. Your parents can also donate online if they prefer.

  • The donation is voluntary, you can still wear colourful socks if you do not bring in a donation.


As we pray, let us ask Jesus to help us to be gentle and kind in all that we do so that his light might shine out in our lives and draw others to him.

Loving God,

We pray that you will help us to be kind and gentle to each other, helping one another and taking the time to be good friends with those around us. Help us to want to care for others and to show you love to them in all that we do. We ask this for your Son Jesus Christ’s sake.


Friday 11th June

Good Morning Cathedral School. I hope you have had a good week. It has been wonderful to see you all back at school. Thank you to the children who have popped in to see and Mr Scott with good work - it is always great to see the progress you are making.

Poetry Week

Congratulations to our Poetry Competition winners and a huge well done to everyone who took part. Neal Zetter was so impressed with the standard of work he recieved and with the welcome you gave him.

This is what he said after his visit.

‘After visiting 100s of schools over the last 27 years and working many times in all 33 London boroughs and beyond. I had one of my best school visits in Cathedral School with enthusiastic children and staff - who clearly had a thirst for poetry and, particularly, performing it. I was especially impressed by the children's focus/engagement (from nursery up!), intelligent questions and behaviour. Best of all though was the confidence they showed when whole classes learnt and performed different poems of mine to me - super stuff!’ – Neal Zetter

Colours for Chloe

Thank you to everyone who has come to school this morning wearing colourful, cheerful socks.

Today is Celebration Assembly.

Please look at the Class Blogs to find out who we are celebrating.


Please use a prayer from your class prayer box.