Summer 2 - Week 4
Click on the date to take you to today's Collective Worship.
Monday 22nd June
Good morning everyone, welcome to a new week of collective worship. It’s Miss Bailey here with you this morning. I hope you had a lovely weekend.
Today we are going to be thinking about special jobs.
There are many jobs that are special or important. For example, doctors and nurses have a very special job caring for us and helping us get better if we are sick. Can you think of some more special jobs? Talk about your ideas with someone at home or in your class. Why are these jobs special?
Watch this video and listen carefully to the Bible story.
Think About...
In the video, God spoke to Moses and said that he had a special job for him to do.
Each of us has a special job to do today. This might involve being kind or helpful, making someone smile or encouraging someone. Alternatively, it might involve doing our chores around the house or getting on with schoolwork without complaining!
The important thing is not what job we have to do, but the attitude with which we do it.
Can you think of one special job you will do today? Share your thoughts with someone at home or school.
Let Us Pray...
Please bow your head for the prayer.
Dear God,
Please help us today to try to do everything without complaining and moaning.
Please help us to look for ways in which we can help others.
Please help us to look for ways in which we can make other people happy.
Please help us to have a good attitude.
Thank you for all the people who work hard to help us.
Have a lovely day everyone!
Tuesday 23rd June
Good morning everyone. It’s Miss Bailey here with you today. I hope you had a lovely Monday and are ready for another great day.
Today we are going to sing the hymn "When I Needed A Neighbour "
Please click here for the audio track.
Today we are going to think about the importance of helping.
Think carefully about the following questions:
Do you like to help with jobs at home and school?
Are you always willing to tidy away your own things at home such as games and toys?
How often do you help your grown ups at home?
Have a look at the different pictures. Each one depicts a type of chore that happens at home. As you look through them, think about the chores that you enjoy helping out with at home.
Think About...
During the next part of today's assembly you are going to read, or listen carefully to a story. It isn't a true story, but like all good stories, it has a special meaning...
Shakira was eight years old and was usually given everything she wanted: in fact, Shakira was rather spoiled. She desperately wanted a puppy for her birthday. She already had a hamster, but, although she played with it, she did not really think about looking after it. It was her mum who fed the hamster. It was her mum who gave it water. It was her mum who cleaned out the cage.
‘This is your hamster, Shakira,’ her mum would say, ‘but you do nothing to help look after it. How on earth can you expect to have a puppy when you do so little to care for your hamster? A puppy is not a toy and just playing with it is not enough. I think you need a lesson in helping!’
Shakira’s mum decided to show Shakira what helping really meant. She continued to play games with Shakira and took her to the park, and they still had lots of fun together. But her mum stopped helping Shakira in a few ways. When Shakira’s clothes were dirty, her mum did not put them in the laundry basket. She did not make Shakira’s bed or tidy her room. Her mum didn’t make any meals especially for Shakira, so instead she had to eat food that she really didn’t like very much.
At first, Shakira didn’t mind too much, but after a few days, she longed for her mum’s delicious cooking and she certainly didn’t like putting on dirty clothes. She didn’t like getting into an unmade bed. She couldn’t find anything among the mess in her bedroom. Shakira was not at all happy. Eventually, she said to her mum, ‘Please help me again. I do miss all the help you give me. I really do understand how important it is to help now.’
Shakira’s mum felt that Shakira had learnt her lesson. It had been hard for her to stop helping, but the experiment had certainly worked. Shakira changed completely. Now she was always helping with jobs around the house. Most of all, she was looking after her hamster all by herself.
A few months later, on her ninth birthday, Shakira got a wonderful surprise. ‘Now that you know how important it is to help,’ said her mum, ‘I think we can manage to take on another pet.’ Shakira was thrilled when her dad came in carrying a basket with a small black puppy inside.
Although she learned the hard way, I think Shakira eventually deserved her puppy, don’t you?
What lessons do you think this story encourages us to learn? Talk about your answers with someone at home or school.
Think about something that you could do today to help:
- in school
- in the playground
- at home
Can you do at least one new helpful thing today?
Let Us Pray...
Please bow your head for the prayer.
Lord of the loving heart, may mine be loving, too.
Lord of the gentle hands, may mine be gentle, too.
Lord of the willing feet, may mine be willing, too
So may I grow more like to you in all I say and do.
Have a lovely day everyone!
Wednesday 24th June
Good morning everyone. It’s Miss Godsell here with you again today. I hope you are ready for a wonderful Wednesday. Did you know that today is National Writer's Day? Today we are going to think about someone we all know who has written a special prayer. But first, lets sing our hymn.
Today we are going to sing the hymn "Water of Life "
Please click here for the audio track.
Recently we have been thinking about prayers. Some prayers were written long ago, and some were written recently. Some were written by famous people. some were written by people we know and for some prayers, we don't know who the author is.
Recently a lovely prayer was written and shared by someone we know.
Look at the pictures below. Do you know who it is?
If you said Father Andrew - well done! Father Andrew is the Dean of Southwark Cathedral and we are lucky that he sometimes visits us at school. Recently Father Andrew wrote a special prayer and shared it with the community. You can find it below. Read it quietly to yourself, thinking about what Father Andrew has written.
During lockdown, the Cathedral hasn't been open, but Father Andrew was able to share this prayer with the community online. Though people can't visit the Cathedral at the moment, they have been sharing prayers and services online. It means that even though the community can't be together physically, they can be together in prayer and reflection. On July 4th, the Cathedral will be able to open again for private prayer and reflection. We are all looking forward to the time when we are back in the Cathedral together.
Think About...
Like we have spoken about before, prayers are very important because they help us to share with God and the community. In his prayer Father Andrew talks about "God of all, who loves each of us for who we are". This means that God loves us because we are all special.
We know that we are all special because we are part of the Cathedral and our School community.
What makes you special? Are you a kind friend? Are you special because you can play the piano? Or are you special because you can look after a little brother or sister? Are you special because you have family from different places? Are you special because you can do a magic trick? Are you special because you can speak or understand a different language?
I would like for you to think today about what makes you special, then I would like you to draw or write about what makes you special and send it to me . Then we will share these next week when our focus for the week is thinking about what makes us special!
Let Us Pray...
Please bow your head for the prayer.
God of all,
who loves each of us for who we are,
to whom each life matters,
who counts the hairs on our head,
who knows when a sparrow falls;
teach us to love as you love,
to respect, to honour, to care,
and to protect
each our sisters and brothers,
that your embracing, including kingdom,
may come now,
and your love be known
by all, always.
Have a lovely day everyone!
Thursday 25th June
Good morning! It’s Father Michael and I’m really pleased to be joining you for Collective Worship this morning. Over the past few weeks the clergy have been sharing their favourite prayer with you. Today I’d like to share mine. There’s a clue in the hymn that I’ve chosen to begin our collective worship.
Today we are going to sing the hymn "Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace".
Please click here for the audio track.
Here is the prayer. It is often known as the prayer of St Francis, though we aren’t sure if he wrote the prayer himself.
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy;
O Divine Master,
Grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
Some of the words are a bit difficult.
· I wonder what it means for us to be instruments of God’s peace?
· How might we sow love in our lives each day?
· What does it mean to console someone?
Francis was born in the town of Assisi in Italy in 1182. At the age of 20 he devoted himself to a life of prayer. Three years later, Francis decided to give away everything he owned and to follow God and to look after God’s people.
Francis was a lover of nature. He took long walks through the countryside and studied its plants and trees. Francis felt that all plants and animals were part of God’s kingdom. He is the patron saint of those who care for plants and animals and his special feast day is celebrated on October 4.
I wonder how we might follow the example of Francis and care for our beautiful planet and the neighbourhoods where we live?
Let Us Pray...
Please bow your head for the prayer.
God bless Zimbabwe
protect her children
transform her leaders
heal her communities
and grant her peace.
for Jesus Christ’s sake.
I hope you have a lovely day. Take care and be kind to one another.
Friday 26th June
Good morning everyone, it's Miss Bailey here for the last collective worship of the week.
Today we are going to sing the hymn "I've Got Peace Like A River "
Please click here for the audio track.
Today we are going to be thinking about how we all have a responsibility to look after the world, and that all jobs and tasks have value in the eyes of God.
Everyone at school has an important role. Can you name some of the jobs that take place in school?
Think of Steve's role at school. He is the 'care taker'. What important jobs does Steve do around the school to take care of it?
As well as Steve, we are all 'care takers', because God wants us to take care of the world that he created.
Genesis 2.15 says:
'Then the Lord God placed the man in the Garden of Eden to cultivate it and guard it.'
Think About...
God wants us all to 'take care' of the world. We can all start with how we look after our school and local area.
Sometimes, we forget how best to look after our world, and make the wrong choices. For example, leaving litter on the floor if there isn't a bin around.
Can you think of some other examples of not looking after our world?
Now make a list with someone at home or in your class of positive ways that we can look after the environment and the world around us.
Let Us Pray...
Please bow your head for the prayer.
Dear God,
Help us to take care of, and appreciate,
the wonderful world you created for us.