Autumn 2 - Week 4

Monday 23rd November

Good Morning Cathedral School,

It is Mrs Scott here with you this morning. Today our theme for assembly is 'not the same but different'.

How many different kinds of fruit can you name in 30 seconds?

Look at the following pictures - what is the same? What is different?

You could think about the colours, the shape, the taste, where they grow.

Now look at these animals, what can you see that is the same? What can you see that is different?

Christians believe that, when God made the world, he didn’t just make one type of flower or one animal. He didn’t make every plant the same shade of green or give every animal four legs to walk on. He made a world full of colour and variety. A world full of interest, where there is always so much more to find out about and enjoy!

Think About...

Just as God loves variety in nature, he also loves variety in us. He didn’t make us all the same and he doesn’t want us all to be the same.

Imagine if we were all the same - we liked the same things, play the same games, eat the same food. The world wouldn't be a very exciting place! It is fantastic to be different from other people.

Is there something about you that makes you different from other people? What do you enjoy doing most? What are you good at? Take a moment to realise that you are special just the way you are.

Remember like fruit and animals, we are all unique. We all have different skills, we all look different to one another - but we are all special.

Reflection Time

I love this video. Just enjoy it. I wish I could sing as well as the people in this film. I think they are giving joy to everyone in this train carriage!


Dear God,

Thank you that we are all special.

Thank you that our world is full of variety.

Thank you for beautiful flowers and for animals that are so different from one another.

Please help us to realise that we don’t need to be the same as other people, but that we can be proud of who we are.


I hope you have a wonderful day.

Tuesday 24th November

Good Morning Cathedral School. Today our collective worship will be led by Class 3. Thank you Class 3 for showing us your beautiful art work.

Please visit the Class 3 Blog to watch their collective worship.

Wednesday 25th November

Good Morning Cathedral School,

Today we are in for another treat! Thank you to Class 1 for leading our worship this morning. Please visit the Class 1 Blog to view their collective worship.

Have a great day.

Thursday 26th November

Hello everyone, it’s Father Michael here. I hope you are all well and having a lovely day at school today

Today in Collective Worship we’re going to think about how Jesus calls each of us his friend and teaches us to love one another.

Let’s begin by listening to this song, A New Commandment I give unto you.

Think for a minute about the words of the song and what makes a good friend?

When you are being a good friend to someone what do you try to do?

Bible Link

Jesus often spoke about being friends and how we should love one another.

Our bible reading today comes from St John’s Gospel, chapter 13 verses 34 and 35.

Jesus said to his friends, ‘I give you a new command: Love each other. You must love each other as I have loved you. All people will know that you are my followers if you love each other.’

Jesus said these words to his friends at the Last Supper. He often used actions as well as words to teach his friends about God’s love for them.

Do you remember what Jesus did next to show his friends how much he loved them?


Look at this picture and think about what is happening in it.

I wonder how Jesus felt doing this?

What might Peter have been feeling?

Would other people know that we are friends of Jesus by the way we behave and treat one another?


What can you do today to be a good friend and to show God’s love for other people?


Dear God,

We thank you for your love for everyone in the world.

We thank you for all the people who show love to us each day.

Please help us to spread more love in the world by the things we do.

Please help us to do something every day to show people that we care.


Friday 27th November

Good Morning Cathedral School. It is Mrs Scott here with you this morning.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to everyone who has been named in celebration assembly this week and well done to all of the children who have been working so hard..It has been great to give a few special stickers this week.

Cathedral School Celebrations

Please look at the Class Blogs to find out who we are celebrating this week.

Reflection Time

I hope you enjoy listening to Shine, Jesus Shine from the Royal Albert Hall. It is a hymn that you always sing so beautifully!


Please choose a prayer from the class prayer box.