Spring 1 - Week 1

Thursday 6th January

Good Morning Cathedral School,

It is Mrs Scott here with you this morning. It is great to be leading our worship today. I hope you managed to have a relaxing time over Christmas and New Year. What was your highlight?

You are my brother.ppt


New Year

It is now 2022. Happy New Year.

Often people make new year's resolutions at the start of a new year. A New Years resolution is a promise to start some new, positive habits. Sometimes people say, "This year I'm going to turn over a new leaf."

Do you know what it means?

A long time ago, 400 years in fact, a page of a book was referred to as a leaf, so turning over a new leaf meant turning over a new page or starting again.

I really like the feeling of having a new notebook to write in; it always feels like a fresh start and a chance to begin again.

What will your New Year's resolution be?

Think of a resolution that is linked to your learning. Perhaps you would like to improve your handwriting or practice your times tables every day.

Sometimes it's good to tell a friend about your promise so they can help you and ask you how you are getting on.

Christian's often set themselves a New Year's resolution that is linked to their faith.

This might be to read the Bible, embody the fruits of friendship with God, pray more regularly or attend worship more often (online or in person).


Dear God,

Thank you for our family, friends and school.

Please help us to turn over a new leaf and keep our New Year's resolutions.


I hope you have a wonderful day.

Friday 7th January

Good Morning Cathedral School, Happy Friday!

Friday is always Celebration Assembly.

Today I think you all deserve to give yourself a round of applause for settling back to school so well and for working so hard on your self-portraits.

Please look at the class blogs to see who we are celebrating this week.

Good Morning Cathedral School, Happy Friday!

Friday is always Celebration Assembly.

Please can you think of 3 things that you are really proud of this week.




Please can you also say thank you to the adult who has been helping you to learn. Perhaps you could tell them exactly what you are thanking them for.


Dear God,

Thank you for our talents and strengths. Please help us to use them wisely.
