Summer 2 - Week 6

Click on the date to take you to today's Collective Worship.

Monday 6th July

Good morning everyone, welcome to a new week of collective worship. It’s Miss Bailey here with you this morning. I hope you had a lovely weekend.

Today we are going to sing the hymn "Break Out"

Please click here for the audio track.


This morning we are going to be thinking about the importance of team work.

Does anyone know what the term ‘DIY’ stands for?

Can you think of some DIY tasks that one person can do by themselves? Look at these pictures to help you, and talk about your ideas with a friend in your class, or someone at home.

Have you ever helped with a DIY task at home? What were they? Can you think of any tasks that are too big for one person to undertake alone? For example, building a garden shed would take a very long time, and would be quite tricky if you were to build it alone!

Some tasks can be achieved by one person working alone, whereas others require the help and energy of several people working together. Co-operation is vital. Talk to the other children in your class or someone at home about what co-operation means.

Listen carefully to this story, that is all about co-operation...

The Story of the Enormous Turnip

Once upon a time, a farmer sowed some turnip seed in his garden. After a few days, some shoots began to show, but one seed grew faster than all the rest. It grew and grew and did not stop growing, until the leaves were like a bush and the most enormous turnip had formed beneath the ground.

The time came when the farmer decided to pull up the enormous turnip to eat. Going to the vegetable patch, he rolled up his sleeves and took a firm grasp of the turnip stem. Then, he pulled, and he pulled, and he pulled, but he couldn’t pull up the enormous turnip.

The farmer called to his partner: ‘Please could you come and help me?’ The farmer’s partner held on to his waist and together they pulled, and they pulled , and they pulled, but they still couldn’t pull up the turnip.

The farmer’s partner called to their son: ‘Please could you come and help us?’ So, the son joined the line and together they pulled, and they pulled, and they pulled, but they still couldn’t pull up the turnip.

Then, the farmer’s son called to his sister: ‘Please could you come and help us?’ So, the farmer’s daughter joined the line and together they pulled, and they pulled, and they pulled, but the enormous turnip still remained in the ground.

A friendly dog stopped at the garden gate. The farmer’s daughter called out: ‘Please could you come and help us?’ So, the dog came and joined the line and together they pulled, and they pulled, and they pulled, but the enormous turnip still would not budge.

By now, everyone was getting very hot and tired. When a cat walked down the path, the dog barked: ‘Please could you come and help us?’ Taking hold of the dog’s tail, the cat joined the line and together they pulled, and they pulled, and they pulled, but they couldn’t pull up the enormous turnip.

Just then, a mouse scuttled out from underneath the hedge. Instead of chasing it, the cat miaowed: ‘Please could you come and help us?’

‘A mouse?’ exclaimed the others. ‘A mouse? What difference will a mouse make?’

But the mouse cautiously took hold of the cat’s tail and together they pulled, and they pulled, and they pulled, and again with all their might they pulled. Suddenly, the enormous turnip flew out of the ground and they all tumbled in a heap!

The farmer and his partner carried the turnip to their house and used it to cook a vegetable stew. At supper time, there was more than enough to eat for every one of them. Even the dog and the cat and - don’t forget - the mouse!

Think about...

What do you think this story is trying to teach us? Share your ideas.

When we are met with a huge challenge or are faced with a big task, it’s important to pull together. Everyone’s effort is crucial and, just like the mouse in the story, the smallest help can make all the difference.

How can you all work together today?

Think about times when someone has done something that has helped you. Often, these are not enormous things: maybe someone has helped you when you fell over, or been kind to you when you were feeling sad. Look for little things that you can do today, which might make a big difference to other people.

Let Us Pray...

Please bow your head for the prayer.

Dear God,

Please help us to learn to work together.

May we never be too proud to ask for help, nor too hesitant to give it.

Thank you for the ways in which we will help (have helped) one another today.


Have a lovely day everyone!

Tuesday 7th July

Good morning everyone. It’s Miss Bailey here with you today. I hope you had a lovely Monday and are ready for another great day.

Today we are going to sing the hymn "I Have Seen The Golden Sunshine".

Please click here for the audio track.

I have seen the golden sunshine.ppt

Today we are going to be thinking about how we make other people happy.

We are going to start by thinking about how different colours make us feel. For example, close your eyes and imagine the colour green. What does green make you think of? Share your ideas.

Some of you may have said that green makes you think of grass, leaves, fields and nature. However, can you think more deeply about how the colour green makes you feel?

Share your ideas again. Perhaps this time you said it makes you feel excited because you think of playing outside? Maybe you said it makes you feel sleepy because it reminds you of camping in a tent?!

Look at this colour chart and pick a few colours with your class or someone at home. Talk about what they make you think of - for example, the colour red might make you think of a rose. Now think how the colour makes you feel, for example, red might make you feel angry.

It is interesting that scientists have have discovered that colours can make us feel certain emotions.

- White makes us feel cold.

- Red makes us feel warm or angry.

- Blue makes us feel cool or peaceful.

- Orange makes us feel warm or happy.

- Green makes us feel calm and peaceful.

- Black makes us feel sad.

- Yellow makes us feel happy and full of laughter.

How many of these statements do you agree with?

Think About...

Take a look at this smiley face. Why do you think it's yellow?

Both the colour and the huge smile are meant to make people feel happier.

When the sun comes out, people often say that they feel happier. Whatever the weather is like, though, we can all make people feel happy by the way we look at them.

An unknown poet said:

‘There are hundreds of languages around the world, but a smile speaks them all.’

In other words, even if we can’t speak someone’s language, we can still let them know that we care by ‘speaking’ to them with a smile.

Think about people who make you happy. Think about their faces. When you think about them, do they look sad, angry or happy? If they make us happy, they will probably be smiling in our thoughts.

How does it make you feel if someone looks angry? How does it make you feel when someone smiles at you?

Today, why not decide to smile at people so that you can bring sunshine to their lives and make them feel happy? Remember: ‘There are hundreds of languages around the world, but a smile speaks them all.’

Let Us Pray...

Please bow your head for the prayer.

Dear God,

Thank you for all the people who bring me happiness.

Please help me to bring happiness to others, too.

Thank you that I can create happiness by something as simple as a smile.


Have a lovely day everyone!

Wednesday 8th July

Good morning everyone. It’s Miss Bailey here with you again today. I hope you are ready for a wonderful Wednesday.

Today we are going to sing the hymn "Jubilate"

Please click here for the audio track.


Today we are thinking about kindness.

What do the words ‘kind’ or ‘kindness’ mean? Talk about your ideas and share them with someone else.

Some of your ideas may have included being nice to someone, helping a friend out and sharing with a friend.

Watch the ‘Colour Your World With Kindness’ video, which is all about kindness. At first, everything is grey, but every time someone is kind, colour appears.

Just like the video demonstrates - when we share acts of kindness, we colour our world. By being kind, we make our world a nicer place to live. It makes people feel happier and it encourages more people to be kind.

Think about the other phrase in the video - ‘Here’s your canvas!’
Artists use canvases to paint on. The video is suggesting that we all have a canvas to paint on, and this canvas is every day of our lives. We can write on the canvas with good or bad things. Our canvas can be full of colourful acts of kindness. We can colour the school with kindness.

Look at these word pairs below. The first word in the pair is a 'grey' word, just like the grey parts of the video. The second word in the pair is a 'colourful' word - just like in the video it is positive! Think about what would happen if we behaved in these different ways at school:

- Mean/Kind. The first 'grey' word is ‘mean’. Can you imagine what school would be like if everyone was mean? It would be a horrible place because we’d be constantly falling out with our friends. When the word is changed, we can see that the opposite of ‘mean’ is ‘kind’. If everyone was being kind, teachers wouldn’t have to sort out any friendship problems.

- Unhelpful/Helpful. The next grey word is ‘unhelpful’. If everyone was being unhelpful, teachers would find it difficult to teach and we would find it difficult to learn. However, when we change it, we can see the opposite of 'unhelpful' is 'helpful'. Teachers love it when children are being helpful, whether it’s by handing out books and whiteboards or by tidying up the classroom.

- Selfish/Sharing. The word ‘selfish’ describes people who think about themselves all the time rather than thinking about their friends and how they’re feeling. For example, we might keep all the toys to ourselves during playtime. The opposite of ‘selfish’ is ‘sharing’. We’ll always find that play times are happier when we share toys because we can have more fun with our friends.

- Miserable/Joyful. Can you imagine if everyone came into school in a really miserable mood? Nobody would be smiling and there wouldn’t be any laughter. It would be awful! The opposite of ‘miserable’ is ‘joyful’. It’s always so much nicer to have a class full of children who are happy and joyful because this helps to make learning fun.

- Dislike/Forgive. When we’ve had a falling-out at school, we can end up disliking the other person. If a friend has done something to upset us, it’s far better to forgive than to stay cross and angry with them. In the Bible, Jesus taught people to forgive others rather than to stay cross and angry. Jesus taught that God forgives the things that we do wrong when we say sorry, and we ought to forgive others. Forgiving someone makes everyone feel better and happier within themselves.

Think About...

Imagine coming into a 'grey' school where you experience meanness, selfishness, and so on. This wouldn't be a pleasant experience!

Talk about why you wouldn’t want to attend a grey school.

Now imagine attending a colourful school where you experience kindness, helpfulness, joy and so on! I am sure that everyone would prefer to go to this type of school!

It is important to remember that when we’re kind to one another and treat each other nicely, it leads to a better and happier school. We are ‘colouring the school with kindness’.

Let Us Pray...

Please bow your head for the prayer.

Dear God,

Thank you that we can be kind to one another.

Thank you for the teachers and families who teach us why we need to be kind.

Thank you, God, for the kindness and love that you show us.

Please help us to forgive our friends for any fallings-out.

Please help us always to give people a second chance.

Please help us to say sorry and start again.


Have a lovely day everyone!

Thursday 9th July

Good Morning Cathedral School, it's Miss Bailey here with you this morning. Today I am going to share with you Father David's favourite prayer. First, let's sing our hymn.

Today we are going to sing the hymn "Such Love ".

Please click here for the audio track.

Such love.ppt

This prayer is Father David's favourite. It is special to him because it was given to him when he was training for ordination by one of the Monks. Father David prays this prayer every morning:

Heavenly Father,

I thank you for your Love for me,

For the gift that is me.

I give my life to you.

I will follow you with my whole heart.

I will serve you faithfully as a member of your church.

Come Lord Jesus now, and live in my life.

Fill me with your Holy Spirit.

Strengthen me for your service,

And empower me with your love.


Father David's prayer reminds us that as Christians we love and serve the Lord.

"Love your neighbour as yourself" (Matthew 22:39)

The Christian life is one of service to others, where we show love and kindness to everyone, even to those who do not treat us well. We can serve others in many ways, and we should ensure that we use every opportunity that we can.

One of the most valuable ways to serve others is to show them that we care. Giving our time and encouragement to someone will often be more valuable than even the most generous gift. There are many people who feel lonely and want to chat with others. Even those who have many friends, and a loving family, enjoy speaking to new people.

When others need our help most, we should make a special effort to show them that we care. By providing love and support we can make a real difference in the lives of others.

"Carry each others burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ" (Galatians 6:2)

Think About...

We can serve others by praying for them. By asking for God to help them and provide for them we can make a real difference in people's lives. Therefore we should remember the spiritual and physical needs of others before our own. It is also good to pray with others, and Jesus said:

"For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20)

Today, try to ensure that you are supporting your friends and loved ones, by letting them know that you are there for them.

Let Us Pray...

Please bow your head for the prayer.

Dear Father,

Allow me to serve others with a joyful heart;

Always giving;

Never expecting to receive.

Allow me to give of myself,

To give of my talents and of my goods,

To give of my time and of my energy,

To give of my heart and of my soul.

Help me understand the needs of others.


Friday 10th July

As you know, Friday's are for our Year 6 children to lead Collective Worship. This morning, Nahum is leading the assembly.

Good Morning Cathedral School! Today we are thinking about the Fruits of Friendship with God and what it looks like at Cathedral School.

This week we are focusing on faithfulness.

Today we are going to sing the hymn "I The Lord Of Sea and Sky"

Please click here for the audio track.

I the lord of sea and sky.ppt

What does faithfulness mean to me?

Faithfulness means friends aren’t fair-weather friends, but true friends. It’s when they get through the tough together. It also means when we all come together to do well, even when the going gets tough. It also means that when you need help, your friend will always have your back.

What does faithfulness look like at Cathedral School? At home? In the community?

At school, if someone falls over or does not understand something in a lesson, a true friend would be faithful and help them. Faithfulness can also be found when promises are made, like if your friend promises to come over next week at noon for a play date, you will have faith in him that he will keep his promise. Only a true friend can keep a promise. Finally, the main one in these times are communities being faithful to each other in these peculiar times.


This Fruits of Friendship with God is so important now, with everyone helping each other to thrive through lockdown. We have seen how important this is as we haven’t been able to see everyone that we have maybe wanted to see.

Think of as many times that you have faithful to your local community or to your school during lockdown. How many acts have you completed? Try to improve on that number before the end of lockdown. This will bring you together and you will become a better person!

Let Us Pray...

Please bow your head for the prayer.

Dear Lord,

Keep us safe through these peculiar times and bless all of the key workers and NHS staff who are helping keep the country healthy and running. Bless our PM and all our MP’s and people in charge of the UK, like HRH The Queen. Help us return safely to a more normal future; there is always light at the end of the tunnel.


Have a lovely, restful weekend!