Autumn 2 - Week 2

Monday 9th November

Good Morning Cathedral School,

It is Mrs Scott here with you this morning. Yesterday was a very important day. It was Remembrance Sunday. Did anyone do anything to mark the occasion? Some people stood at their front door to observe the 2-minute silence.

Remembrance Day.ppt

Please read the presentation to learn more about Remembrance Sunday and Remembrance Day.

Visit the Newsround website if you would like to find out more.

Watch the short clip (it's the second video on the page), the subtitle is:

Why it is important to remember WW1.

Why do you think it is important to remember those who have served and died in wars?

Reflection Time

Today we will reflect in silence.


Dear God,

We remember people who have helped us in the past, those we knew and those we didn't know.

Today we think especially of people who have died in wars and fighting.

We take a moment to think of those special people: soldiers, sailors and pilots, who lost their lives.

Together we say thank you.


I hope you have a wonderful day.

Tuesday 10th November

Good Morning Cathedral School. Yesterday we were thinking about Remembrance Day and why people remember.

Today we are going to think about some of the people we remember.

William Sythes

During the 2-minute silence I remember my grandad. His name was William Sythes. He was a soldier and died during World War 2. Every year my mum goes to the Field of Remembrance outside Westminster Abbey and she writes his name on a cross. Our family are very proud of him.

Who will you remember?

Watch this short video. The children are talking about people that they remember during the 2-minute silence.

Who will you think about?

Walter Tull

Year 6 have been learning about World War 1. They studied a soldier called Walter Tull. Before he became a soldier he was a professional footballer. Walter Tull was recognised as the first black officer in the British army.

If you would like to know more about Walter Tull please visit the BBC Bitesize website for more information or ask Year 6.

Reflection Time

Listen to this song called, "We'll Meet Again". It was a popular song during World War 2. Why do you think it was popular?

Dear God,

We remember people who have helped us in the past, those we knew and those we didn't know.

Today we think especially of people who have died in wars and fighting.

We take a moment to think of those special people: soldiers, sailors and pilots, who lost their lives.

Together we say thank you.


Wednesday 11th November

Good Morning Cathedral School.

Today, our collective worship is about the Royal British Legion. At 11am there will be a 2-minute silence.

The Royal British Legion has been supporting service men and women, ex-serving personnel and their families since 1921. The Legion was established to care for those who had suffered as a result of service during the First World War. And they have been helping the Armed Forces community and their families ever since.

There is a branch of the British Legion near the John Harvard Library.

Did you know it was there?

The British Legion raise money all year round. They are responsible for the poppy appeal. I know that lots of classes have been learning about poppies this week.

Why is the poppy worn by people on Remembrance Day?

The Royal British Legion usually organise events to mark the 2-minute silence across the country.

Their website says,

"Remembrance honours those who serve to defend our democratic freedoms and way of life.

We unite across faiths, cultures and backgrounds to remember the service and sacrifice of the Armed Forces community from Britain and the Commonwealth."

Here is a photo of city workers stopping at 11 o'clock on the 11th November a few years ago.

I wonder what they were thinking about?

Reflection Time

You always sing this hymn beautifully but today please just listen

This is a hymn of peace as we hope that one day there will be no more war.

Please say your own prayer silently.

2-Minute Silence at 11am

If you start reading at 10. 57am there should be enough time.

Please read the following:

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them.

Listen the Last Post (it lasts 1.18 minutes):

The 2-minute silence continues on the track.

When the 2 minutes are finished the Reveille sounds.

To finish please read:

When you go home, tell them of us and say,

For your tomorrow, we gave our today.


Lord God,

Thank you for the people who love and care for us.

Thank you for our families and friends.

Thank you for your care and love.

Help us to remember that we belong to you.


Thursday 12th November

Good Morning Cathedral School.

My name is Canon Jay Colwill. I’m the Canon Missioner and today we are going to think about how Jesus helps us to see what is important.

Mrs Scott: Canon Jay, thank you for suggesting music by Simon and Garfunkel; I bet a lot of people will be humming it at school today!

As you can see, I’m riding a bike. I love to stay active and ride bicycles. I love to mend them, plan new cycling journeys I’m going to take and think about what new parts for my bike I can buy!

Question: What do you like to do that keeps you busy?

Martha and Mary

There were two sisters called Martha and Mary. Both were kind and hardworking women who had a very simple home that they kept neat and tidy.

One day, Jesus and his disciples came walking through their village.

'Please stop by our home,' said Martha. 'Come in out of the sun and have a rest.'
'Oh yes,' enthused Mary. 'We would love to have you.'

Jesus and his disciples were very pleased to have this invitation and soon Martha and Mary’s house was full of guests. Now Martha didn’t have much bread that day, so she set to work in the tiny kitchen to make some food. It was hot and there were a lot of guests.

'Right, Martha,' she said to herself, 'some cool water is what Jesus and his friends will need first.' So she hurried to the well to collect some fresh water and gathered as many cups as she could find. 'Thank you Martha', said Jesus. He was sitting on the floor surrounded by all his friends. 'Now I hope that yeast has risen', thought Martha as she floured her little kitchen table. She began to get hot and bothered as she kneaded the dough.

'Where on Earth is Mary?' she thought, but she didn’t have time to go and look. 'Oh no', she cried as she dropped an egg on the floor in her hurry.

The flat bread needed to be turned on the griddle, the next batch of dough was in need of attention and she was beginning to get in quite a flap. 'Where is Mary?!' she said in agitation.

Have you ever seen your mum or dad in a flap in the kitchen when things get too hectic? That’s the very time when tempers can become frayed and arguments can start!

Martha glanced through the doorway and couldn’t believe her eyes. (insert

There was Mary, her sister, sitting at Jesus’ feet, drinking in every word, looking as if she didn’t have a care in the world! That was the last straw! With flour on her nose and dusting her hair, Martha made a rather flustered entrance. 'Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself?’ Now, you may have expected Jesus to say something like, 'Oh, poor Martha, you are obviously working so hard. Mary, of course you should be in the kitchen giving her a hand. There is a lot of food to prepare for all these guests. Off you go and help. Sorry, Martha.' After all, it’s not fair that one person should have to do all the work and become so stressed, is it?
Jesus did not say anything like that, though. He saw that Martha was worried and upset - in fact, she was very frazzled - but he said, 'Actually, Mary chose the better place to be. She has chosen to sit at my feet and listen.’ Now, what do you think of that?! Many people will say that this was very unfair of Jesus. After all, Martha was doing a good and kind thing, trying to feed all the guests. Jesus was not telling Martha off, however. He loved his friend Martha. He loved her enough to say, 'Slow down, dear Martha. Don’t be distracted by things such as food, which are very nice but not the most important thing right at this moment. Come, sit down and listen - just enjoy being with me.’

Sometimes, I can fill my time with so many things (like cycling, jobs, hobbies and cooking). It’s not that my hobbies and activities aren’t important. Sometimes, I can make myself so busy that I don’t make time for Jesus. In a moment, we are going to say the Lord’s Prayer. When we say ’thy will be done’, we are asking Jesus to guide us to the most important things we can do.

Let’s say the Lord’s Prayer together.


Dear Lord,

Help us to learn to be still so that we can listen to you speak quietly into our hearts. When we hear your voice, give us the strength to do what you say.


Friday 13th November

Good Morning Cathedral School. It is Mrs Scott here with you this morning. I hope you have had a good week at school.

Celebration Assembly

Congratulations to everyone who has been named in celebration assembly this week. It must be so hard for your teachers to decide who to choose!

Cathedral School Celebrations

Please look at the Class Blogs to find out who we are celebrating this week.

Reflection Time

Please enjoy Shine Jesus Shine at the Royal Albert Hall.


Please choose a prayer from the class prayer box.