
It's movie making time! For this badge, create a minimum one-minute movie that informs, persuades, summarizes or is simply pure fiction. Movies can be created for ANY content area to both hook learners into new content and to demonstrate learning. Be SURE to read the criteria below to ensure your movie meets the qualifications for this badge.

300 XP


1. Create a movie (at least 1 minute in length) using a video editing software program or a web-based program. Be SURE your video meets the criteria outlined on this page.

2. Save your video to Google Drive or Youtube and make sure you have a link shared so anyone in the .ORG can view.

3. Copy your link.

4. Submit your link in the badge form here or click the Request A Badge link in the menu. Don't forget to tell how it applies to your content area.

Double Dipping for XP

So long as the movie meets the above criteria, if the movie also integrates a green screen, then it can also qualify for the Green Screen Movie badge.


Raw, unedited video, is not acceptable for this badge. It must be a produced video that meets the following criteria to qualify for this badge:

  1. MUST BE STUDENT CREATED (with adult supervision /assistance for some students is okay)
  2. Length: Minimum 1 minute
  3. Sound: Either audio from the movie or music or both
  4. Transitions : When moving from a title to a scene or between images, you should have some form of transitions between these (example : fade to black, crossfade, etc)
  5. Content: Your movie can be all images, all video or a combination of both. It MUST have an educational focus.
  6. Words / Titles: Your movie should have some form of entry title screen or screens where there is text to help explain the content, especially if this is an image only video.

The Making of the Movie

This must NOT be a move that was created in My Simpleshow, Stupeflix, Animoto, etc. This movie should be created using software like iMovie, Windows Movie Maker, Wevideo (online and free version has limits to use), etc.

SAMR / 4 C's

For students, video creation hits at the Modification level of SAMR.

Critical Thinking / Creativity / Collaboration* / Communication

*Collaboration if done with a partner or in a group

BCSS Student Creations

I am Malala Project Choices (Oct 28, 2019 at 12:31 PM).MOV

Melissa Thebeau - RMS

Island of the dolls movie trailer - Michele

AHS - Michele Gerely

GERMS - Catherine Huskey.mp4

AHS - Catherine Husky

LEVEL 3 - Submit a Technology-Infused Lesson

Click HERE to learn more about this badge.ALL submitted lessons MUST have at least TWO links to student-created artifacts.

You MUST have completed the Level 2 badge BEFORE requesting a Level 3 Badge.