Letter From Your Principals

Welcome to the 2023-24 school year at Fairmont Jr./Sr. High School! We are excited for you to be part of our school and the memories you will form while attending here. FJSHS has a long history of excellence and we are confident you will help contribute to this reputation by being an active and respectful member of our school community. Jr./Sr. High can be a fun and exciting time for students. During this time you will start to plan for the future beyond high school. It is our hope you are able to pursue your passions and dreams by utilizing all of the resources we have available for you. 

To help you make the most out of your time at Fairmont Jr./Sr. High School, the student handbook has been created.  Here you will find the policies, procedures, schedules and other resources necessary to provide you the best opportunities for you. It is the responsibility of each student and their parent(s)/guardian(s) to become familiar with the information in this handbook. As you complete a detailed review of this handbook, please communicate any questions you may have to a teacher, counselor or administrator. Your feedback and questions are important and can help our school continually improve in serving our families. 

Respecting those around you, is a critical part of what makes the Fairmont school community a special place where all of its members are safe, valued and can add to the positive learning environment. If we are successful in creating a school community where everyone feels supported in pushing themselves outside their comfort zones, collectively we will do amazing things. We all have an important part in making this happen so let’s work together!

Fairmont Jr./Sr. High School has a multitude of resources and opportunities for students and their families to utilize. If you have any questions or need any assistance, please feel free to reach out to us. Chances are we have a talented staff member or student who can help you. There is no issue too small, this is your experience and to help you make the most of it requires your feedback. 

Your experience at FJSHS is a must-be-present-to-win contest. If you are absent from class or choose not to participate in any of the sports or activities, you may be missing some of the events which will make your time here truly memorable. The more involved you can be, the more likely you will look back on your time here with a great sense of pride and ownership. Let’s have a fantastic year and remember if you need anything, please reach out. We are all here to support you!

Have a great year!

Chad Brusky, Principal

Brooke Schultz, Associate Principal

Fairmont Jr./Sr. High School