Basic Principle: Certain body parts must be covered for all students at all times.  Clothes must be worn in a way such that genitals, buttocks, breasts, belly buttons and nipples are fully covered with opaque (non-transparent) fabric. All items listed in the “must wear” category below must meet this basic principle. Religious headwear is allowed. 

Students Must Wear while following the basic principle of Section 1 above:

*Note: Courses that include attire as part of the curriculum (for example, professionalism, public speaking, and job readiness) may include assignment-specific dress, but should not focus on covering bodies in a particular way or promoting culturally-specific attire. Activity-specific shoe requirements are permitted (for example, athletic shoes for PE).

Students May Wear, as long as these items do not violate Section 1 above: 

● Hats. Hats must allow the face to be visible to staff, and not interfere with the line of sight of any student or staff

● Hoodie sweatshirts (wearing the hood overhead is allowed, but the face and ears must be visible to school staff).

*Note: Teachers will have discretion specific to their learning environment on a hat/hood policy.

Students Cannot Wear

protective equipment (PPE).


Students will be expected to address the issue by changing, covering up, or removing the item or items in question. Students who repeatedly violate the requests of the dress code are insubordinate and will be subject to disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by Administration.