Fairmont Junior/Senior High School provides lockers and combination locks for students in the first floor main locker area, Junior High area, Physical Education area and in other various locations throughout the building where necessary.

  1. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure personal items are securely locked at ALL times.

  2. Students should not keep money or valuables in their lockers.

  3. For safety purposes, students are not to share their lockers or locker combinations.


  1. Magnetic mirrors, magnetic pencil holders, magnetic stickers, posters or signs, lunch or snacks for the current school day


  1. Writing inside or outside, stickers, open containers of lunch or snacks or beverages, spoiled food, or excess garbage

  1. For safety reasons, personal padlocks

All lockers will be inspected at the end of the school year. Defacing or damaging the inside or outside of lockers will result in the student cleaning the locker or paying a fine or paying for repairs.

If you need help with your locker or the lock, please contact a custodian.

The state-mandated policy is as follows: “School lockers are the property of the school district. At no time does the school district relinquish its exclusive control of lockers provided for the convenience of students. School authorities for any reason may conduct an inspection of the interior of lockers at any time, without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant. The personal possessions of students within school lockers may be searched only when school authorities have a reasonable suspicion that the search will uncover evidence of a violation of law or school rules. As soon as practical after the search of a student’s personal possessions, the school authorities must provide notice of the search to students whose lockers were searched unless disclosure would impede an ongoing investigation by police or school officials.”