New Starter Page

Welcome to Shafton Primary Academy, we cannot wait for you to start your Remarkable Journey with us in September!

Help us get to know you and child more before they start in September. Click on the link here to fill out a Google Form all about your child. 

New Parent Meeting 

Below you can find a copy of the Powerpoint which was shared to our new starter parent meeting. The powerpoint shares lots of information in relation to your child starting school. If you have any questions about any of the information please contact Miss Tallant at school. 

New Parent Powerpoint June 23.pdf

School Calendar

Here is the academic calendar for 2024-2025


2nd September 2024

14th February 2025

23rd May 2025

24.25 calandar for parents & carers.pdf

Welcome to your new classroom!

Click on the video below to see what your new classroom looks like! We can't wait to meet you all!

Welcome to Reception 2021.mp4

Learning to Read and Write

Children use their phonics knowledge when they are reading and writing. This approach has been shown to provide a quick and efficient way for most young children to learn  to read words on the page fluently and accurately. We want children to develop this skill so that it becomes automatic. This also greatly helps them with their spelling. Watch the video to practice saying the letter sounds correctly.ldren also practise reading (and spelling) what we call ‘red words’, such as ‘once,’ ‘have,’ ‘said’ and ‘where’.

The children practise their reading with books that match the phonics and the ‘red words’ they know. Below you can find videos and resources that will help you understand how we teach RWI and how you can support your child before they start school. 

Ten top tips to reading.pdf

Fred Games

Below you can find different Fred Games to help you and your child learn how to Fred Talk (blend and segment) sounds in words. 

Story Time

Below you will find some stories that will help your child prepare for starting school. 

Songs and Rhymes

Songs and Rhymes help your child develop their communication skills and a musical interest. Below are some videos that will help your child develop their communication and language skills.