Welcome to Year 4 2023/2024

Our Curriculum  Our History, Geography and Science subjects follow the Ark Curriculum.  Their mission is to empower teachers to give every young person, regardless of their background, the subject knowledge and skills that will allow them to succeed.

If you would like to read about any of these further please see our curriculum tab at the top of our website.

We follow Kapow curriculum in Music, Art & Design, Design & Technology & Computing.

We also follow Discovery RE  and PE Hub. 

Autumn Term learning 

History: The Stone Age to Iron Age Science: The Human Body Music: Samba Computing: HTML Art: Sculpture DT: Textiles PSHE: Relationships RE: Hinduism

At Shafton Primary, we love to read and share classic stories and novels with our children.  We have a Reading River, which is a collection of carefully chosen texts that adults in the room read to the children. Literacy work is often based around this text also.  

 This half term, our class text is 'The Sheep Pig' by Dick King Smith

"When Farmer Hogget wins a piglet at the fair, he is amazed that Fly, his sheep-dog, welcomes him as one of her own pups. Fly names the piglet Babe and teaches him all he needs to know about the farm and its animals.

As he watches his 'mum' round up the sheep, he decides he would love to try too. However, his legs are too short and he is far too plump to run around after a flock of sheep. He then tries a different tactic; politely asking the sheep to form an orderly line! The sheep are so surprised to be treated with respect that they happily oblige and Farmer Hogget soon notices that Babe has a certain knack with them...

Welcome to our classroom 

 Important Information

PE: Our PE day is Monday, in the afternoon

Spellings: Spellings will be given out on a Friday and tested the following Week. 

Reading: Reading is such a fundamental tool and opens the door to many opportunities, as well as igniting children's imaginations. We promote a love of reading in school, sharing carefully chosen,  high quality texts with your children. Please read with your child at least 3 times per week.

Digital Home Learning: The children have log-ons and access to 3 websites to consolidate their learning at home. Times table Rockstars, Timestable.co.uk & Spelling Shed. Regular practice on these at home will really support your childs learning. 

Art - Stone Age Cave Paintings

In History, the children have been learning all about the ways we know about the Stone Age. One of the primary sources of information is the cave paintings found around Europe. The children identified the animals drawn as well as discussess theories for why certain things were drawn. After, the children had a go! They use pastels and different shading and blending techniques to come up with some brilliant work 

Maths - using manipulatives in place value

This week the children have been learning about the importance of place value in maths. The children used different manipulatives before studying various different forms of the same number  (Dienes, Number lines, Place Value Counters)

Our School Trip to Weston Park Museum Sheffield

Year 4 had an amazing time at Weston Park Museum. When we had arrived, we were brought straight into the Stone Age Section to immediately begin learning about some Stone Age Artefacts in the museum. Next, we had the chance to dress as people from the Bronze Age, feeling the clothing they wore - it was very itchy! After that we went to our workshops, we made some clay pots (just like they used during the Bronze age), we had created our own Iron Age jewellery whilst discussing the different materials used in the Iron age. Finally, we looked at food during the different time periods, and how hunting changed quickly to farming. 

Lastly, on our trip the children explored the museum, attempting all interactive activities brilliantly!