
At Shafton Primary Academy, we strive to create a rich and immersive learning environment that empowers every child to become confident, articulate, and effective communicators. Our curriculum is designed to develop the four essential skills - reading, writing, speaking, and listening - in a progressive and inclusive manner. Through a balanced approach, we aim to nurture critical thinking, creativity, and cultural awareness, enabling our students to engage meaningfully with a diverse range of texts and contexts. By the end of their primary education, our students will have acquired a solid foundation in English language, setting the stage for their continued academic success and personal growth.

The implementation of our  English curriculum centres around the selection of carefully chosen core texts for each year group. We call this our Shafton Reader River. These texts  serve as the cornerstone of our teaching and learning approach, providing a focal point for the development of reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills . The selected texts are not only rich in terms of language and grammar but also allow our children to explore cultural and physical differences. 

The curriculum for both Key stage 1 and Key stage 2 has been developed to meet the specification outlined by AET but also enhance the provision further through additional texts.  

Key stage one children follow the  Read, Write Inc program and have weekly creative writing lessons in addition. Key stage two children are taught skills of writing following the ARK Grammar Mastery programme , as well as  a weekly dictation lesson which allows practise of writing skills and  an additional creative writing lesson. 

A Shafton Writer will be able to: 

A  Shafton Reader will be able to: 

Key stage one children follow the Ruth Miskin, Read write Inc programme. Key stage two reading lessons have been specifically designed to develop all core skills of reading in an interactive and discussion based approach.

 Please follow the link for further information about read, Write Inc. 


Reading Lesson weekly flow one page profile.pptx