Pupil Premium

Please see below for information regarding Pupil Premium

At Shafton Primary Academy we receive additional funding to spend in a way we think will best support raising the attainment for our most vulnerable pupils. This money is called our Pupil Premium. It is calculated on the number of children in our school who are eligible for free school meals, any children who are looked after or in care and any children from our Armed Forces families.

The government see these children as more vulnerable than others, and they are keen to track their academic progress very carefully.

Our school performance data is split into different groups so that we can track progress and ensure our Pupil Premium children achieve just as well as everyone else. We don't want to see any gaps between any groups of pupils.

Great academic success depends on great attendance. We want to make sure that all our children attend school every day and on time. We have extra adults on our doors to meet and greet our children with friendly smiles so that children make a positive start to their learning and really enjoy arriving at school. We offer support and signposting to families who may be struggling to meet our high attendance targets.

The head teacher works closely to ensure that we use our funding to offer opportunities and experiences to support these children.

We spend our money wisely, ensuring that our most vulnerable pupils enjoy and access the rich and broad curriculum we offer.

Our Rationale for Pupil Premium spending

We have a small gap with the attendance of PP children and the work of the EWO team is supporting us to diminish this difference. Therefore we will continue with these efforts this year.

Outcomes for disadvantaged children have improved significantly across all subjects and it is the quality first teaching which has accounted for this. We have seen significant gains in parental engagement which, longer term, will impact further on standards of attainment and progress for vulnerable groups.

The strategic lead for PP spending is Miss Danielle Tallant together with  the head teacher. All staff know their PP children very well.

Click below to see our Pupil Premium Spending Plan 2023 - 2024

Pupil Premium Spending Plan 2023-24

Click below to see our Pupil Premium Spending Plan Evaluation 2022-2023

Pupil Premium Spending Plan Evaluation 2022-23

Click below to see our Pupil Premium spending plan for 2022-23

Pupil Premium spending plan for 2022-23

Click below to see our Pupil Premium Spending conclusions for 2021-22

Pupil Premium Spending conclusions for 2021-22

Click below to see our Pupil Premium spending plan for 2021-2022

Pupil Premium Spending Plan 2021-2022

Click below to see our Pupil Premium spending conclusions for 2020-2021

Pupil Premium Evaluation 2020-2021

Click below to see our Pupil Premium spending plan for 2020-2021

Pupil Premium Spending plan 2020-2021

Click below to see our Covid-19 2019-2020 Pupil Premium Strategy (to be read in conjunction with original document)

Covid-19 2019-2020 Pupil Premium Strategy

Click below to see our Pupil Premium spending conclusions for 2019-2020

Pupil Premium spending conclusions 2019-2020

Here is our Pupil Premium spending plan for 2019-2020

Pupil Premium spending plan 2019-2020

Click here to see our Pupil Premium spending conclusions for 2018-2019

Pupil Premium spending conclusions 2018-19

Here is our Pupil Premium spending plan for 2018-2019

Pupil Premium plan 2018-19

Click here to see our Pupil Premium spending conclusions for 2017-2018

Pupil Premium spending conclusions 2017-18

Click here to see our Pupil Premium spending plan for 2017-2018

Pupil Premium spend 2017-18

Click here to see how well we spent our Pupil Premium money in 2016-2017

Pupil Premium spend 2016-17

Click here to see how we spent our Pupil Premium money in 2015-2016

Pupil premium spend 2015-16

Click here to see how we will spend our Pupil Premium money in 2016-2017

Pupil premium plan 2016-17

Click here to see how we spent our Pupil Premium funding in 2014-2015

Click here to see how we plan to spend our Pupil Premium funding in 2015-2016

Here is our Pupil Premium Policy

Pupil Premium Policy