Vision and Values

Remarkable Lives: Our AET and Shafton Primary Academy Vision


Each and every child inspired to choose a Remarkable Life.


To gather and motivate inspirational people committed to delivering an excellent education that launches children into remarkable lives.


Be unusually brave

At AET, we choose to be unusually brave.  We're not afraid to challenge wrongs, to make the right call, even when it's both unusual and difficult to do so.

Discover what’s possible

We are on the search for discovering what's possible.  We look to create 'eureka moments' for our students, helping them discover a world of possibilities and opportunities.

Push the limits

We always strive to push the limits.  We don't settle for less than excellent and we won't allow our students to either.  We resolve to overcome any self-imposed limits.

Be big-hearted

We commit to being big-hearted.  We choose to treat each other with kindness, warmth and care, believing that everybody matters and believing in one another.