What is Discovery RE?

Recently, we have started using a new RE scheme in school to ensure better outcomes for all children. Discovery RE is a wonderful way of creating a love of RE in school through a thematic approach to learning. 

We focus on learning through enquiry. The children will learn about 6 major religions: 

Here, you can read an information guide to Discovery RE from their official website.


What do children think?

Since we introduced Discovery RE, the children have made excellent progress and have shown a new found love for RE! The children in KS1 especially love their class owl. Each class has its own owl which teachers use to introduce concepts and children use to ask enquiry questions.

Hear from the children themselves here.

"I love learning about Sikhism in RE. Our class owl Auberon helps us to think about different concepts and we love answering the challenging questions he asks us." Holly, Year 5. 

"I always go at chat to Sophia in RE lessons, she helps me to answer questions and I love reading about Judaism with her." Abby, Year 2.

Copy of RE handbook.docx

How does learning progress through school and what will children be covering?

Here is an overview document to show what each year group will be learning this year.  As you can see, children learn concepts such as being part of community and belonging as well as knowledge about different religions. We are currently working on a cycle system for our RE teaching and learning to ensure all children learn about each of the major religions. This works best for our school due to mixed year group classes.


Here is some curriculum documents for the teaching and learning of RE in our school

RE progression map LKS2.docx
RE progression map UKS2.docx
RE progression map KS1.docx
Shafton Primary RE curriculum.docx