Subject lead: Miss  Stringfellow

Our Computing Curriculum 

At Shafton, we follow the Kapow computing curriculum. We have chosen the Kapow computing curriculum because it provides in-depth lesson plans, teaching resources, clear and concise success criteria, informative links, descriptive videos and engaging independent tasks in relation to lesson objectives matching the National curriculum. 

When will children learn about computing? 

Although the children will be using electronic devices such as Chromebooks and Ipads throughout the year to assist them in completing work in other curriculum areas, all children will receive formal computing lessons in our Spring 2 term, after the February half term. 

This year we at Shafton are 'blocking the curriculum' this means children will be taught the foundation subjects in half-termly blocks rather than throughout the year. This will give children access to more curriculum time and more in-depth lessons in each subject they learn. 

Shafton Computing Handbook 2023- 2024

Computing at Shafton 


At Shafton, computing is an integral part of our everyday life and will play an immeasurable part in our children’s futures.  Our Computing scheme aims to instil a sense of enjoyment around using technology and to develop pupil’s appreciation of its capabilities and the opportunities technology offers to, create, manage, organise, and collaborate.  Tinkering with software and programs forms a part of the ethos of the scheme because we want to develop pupils’ confidence when encountering new technology.  The computing curriculum we embed enables all of our pupils to continually develop their knowledge and skills from EYFS so that by the time they reach Y6 they will have had access and opportunity to use their knowledge and skills to create and manage software through using their knowledge of algorithms on and off the screen. 

Through our curriculum, we intend for pupils to be digitally competent and have a range of transferable skills at a suitable level for the future workplace and to be responsible online citizens. Our children are growing up in a fast-paced world with ever-increasing information, technology and readily available platforms. At Shafton, we must enable children to become critical thinkers so that they can use technology to enhance their future, know what is true, and stay safe online. At Shafton online safety is not just a unit taught in computing but a key fundamental principle that our children need to be aware of so they can become self-monitors of their use of technology, alongside school and home life monitoring so ALL children understand how to be safe online. 

Computing has deep links with mathematics, science, and design and technology, and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems. At Shafton the computing curriculum ties in with key topics taught throughout each year group therefore allowing children to gain cross curricular links whilst learning  the core of computing,  computer science. Pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. 

At Shafton one of our key missions and values is to help children to discover what is possible, to broaden their horizons and to help them discover a world of possibilities and opportunities. The Shafton Computing curriculum enables children to have access to all the knowledge, skills and critical thinking they need to transfer these skills into the workplace. We also want to enable children to opportunities to use new technology and gain experience through this as such technology may become dominant in their future. 

We at Shafton believe that through teaching the computing curriculum that we offer that we are not only helping the children to become digitally literate individuals now but that we are enabling them to have bright futures unblocked by the skills, knowledge and opportunities that we offer to them. 

Computing Long Term Overview 2023/2024 condensed.docx

Curriculum Overview and Online saftey  

In 2023/2024  these will be the units that the children will be learning in their computing lessons. 

The table shows the names of the units that each year group will be following. 

Children will have the opportunity to learn about a wide range of topics and use a variety of skills within the computing block. 

Each year group will have a unit on Online safety.  It is paramount that we keep our young people safe online and teach them how to stay online at all times.  

Useful Online Links Surrounding Online Safety 

National Online Saftey - What You Need to Know Guides

The National Online Safety organisation creates short but informative posters for parents that help discuss online safety with their children in this ever-changing online climate. 

Here are a few posters that may be useful in your conversations about online safety with your children.  

ICT Areas 

Each classroom has their own designated ICT areas supplied with Chromebooks, Ipads, and resources, so that children are able to use electrical devices to support their work in all areas; whilst building up their computing curriculum knowledge.