

Our aim at Shafton primary is to spark curiosity and a love of learning in science by providing a high quality science curriculum, rich in knowledge and soaked in opportunities for inquiry and observation. We will give children to chance to experience science in action through visitors in to school and trips out. The units of work ensure children gain the knowledge they need to discover, understand and begin to explain the world and phenomena around them whilst also ensuring they are equipped with the skills and knowledge of processes through which science is achieved and applied.   

At Shafton Primary Academy we follow Ark Curriculums Science Mastery program. 

This is an exciting and engaging program which allows the children to gain an in depth knowledge of their year group units. As well as allowing opportunities ford hands on learning and scientific investigations 

Please take a look at our science curriculum handbook. here you will find overviews for all year groups, key objectives and teaching sequences.  To view the whole document, please click on the handbook and click the square with an arrow to open in a new tab. 

Copy of Science handbook 2022-23

Our children really enjoy the practical sessions in science, which allow them to explore science and deepen their understanding through enquiry. Take a look at the fantastic investigative learning,  that the children have completed so far this academic year!

Our science curriculum leads to high outcomes and our children produce high quality pieces of work. The children enjoy their learning and carrying out investigations and therefore take pride in presenting their findings through tables, graphs and diagrams.  

Science Day  

On Friday 19th May, We had a very special science day in school.  We have a visit from Molly Molecule, who showed us some very exciting experiments and helped us to make slime! 

We kicked the day off with an exciting bubble show for KS1. We saw lots of colourful bubbles and  Molly made a gigantic bubble. (We were very impressed!) We were even able to catch some very special bubbles in our hands, which have a plastic coating. This means they don't pop when we touch them!

KS2 had a action reaction show, where we saw paper disappear before our eyes and saw chemical reactions that caused flames. We also saw acid and alkali reactions that caused the liquid to change colour.  

Throughout the day, all children made their very own tub of slime to take home. 

In Classrooms children have been exploring other areas of science and seeing chemical reactions, making square bubbles, investigating plants and lots more! Take a look at some of our fantastic photos from our day. 

Health Day 2018 

In January we celebrated Health Day. This was a day where all classes took part in health related activities.  

Here are just some of the topics covered that day: 

-Healthy Eating  

- Exercise 

- Looking after our teeth 

- mental health 

- sugar consumption 

We started our day with a special visit from Bike it Dave, who hosted a special assembly to talk to us all about making healthier travel choices!  Senior Ruiz also linked our Spanish lessons to healthy Spanish foods.  We had a great time!

Take a look at some of the exciting activities going on in school that day! 

Year 6  - Electricity 

Year 6 have been combining maths and electricity to create their very own matching game. They have been creating circuits to make the bulb light up when an answer is correct.   They now that it must be a complete circuit so have used tinfoil to conduct the electricity between the questions and the correct answers. 

Year 3 - Forces 

Year 3 have been investigating friction. They carried out a investigation to see which materials caused the most friction.   They made predictions and discussed what made their investigation a fair test. 

Year 1 


In these pictures year one were tasting different foods and grouping them based on their taste. Can you spot which are bitter, sour, sweet and salty? 

Animals including Humans 

As part of Health Day in Year one, We looked at Mental health and how we can keep calm. We made our very own stress balls using play dough and balloons. We also learnt about how to look after our teeth and did some fantastic writing!

Year 5 - Forces 

Year 5 have been investigating magnetism.  They have been learning about which objects are magnetic and sorting them into groups. They have also been exploring which poles attract and repel. They have also conducted their own investigations linked with the force field of magnets. 

The solar System

Year 5 have been learning about space. Their homework projects are amazing!  Here is a lovely display in their classroom which shows the order of the planets. It also features some homework projects too.