Welcome to Year Five!

Here are some of the fantastic entries our school has completed entried for Barnsley in Bloom. I am sure you will agree they are amazing, fingers crossed we may get a winner. 

Thank you for your continued support. 

From Mrs Rawson

PE - Our PE day will remain on Wednesday, please ensure you come in full PE kit, no jewelery and long hair is tied back. 

Spellings - Please ensure your child practices their spellings at home. They have been given a new spelling homework book which is for them to practice in. 

Reading - Children must bring their reading book to school everyday. 

Welcome back, I hope you have all had a lovely festive break. Here is a look at our first half term.

Maths: Perimeter and area, weekly arithmetic and times tables testing.

Literacy: We will covering a wide range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry. Our extended writing we take place each Friday.

Science: Properties of Materials

PE: Gymnastics 

RE: Sikhism, Beliefs and Moral Values

PSHE: Living in a Wider World

ART - This is our topic this half term. We will be looking at many drawing techniques and sculpturing skills. We will be looking at some famous artists and their work and recreating some of their famous pieces of art. Keep an eye on our website for your child's art work. 

Thank you for your continued support. 

From Mrs Rawson and Miss Audsley

Edvard Munch

Year 5 have been learning about Edvard Munch's life story and some of his incredible work. We have had lots of discussions about the meanings behind some of his paintings and we have tried to recreate the most famous of his paintings, ' The Scream'.

Welcome to the Year 5 page!

Our teacher is Mrs Rawson

Our School Day begins at 8:30am and we finish at 3pm. 

Our learning in  the second part of our Autumn term is:

Literacy – Class Book 'Stig of the Dump'

Numeracy – Units of Measure and line graphs

Science – Forces

RE – Christianity

Music - Topic block covering a range of genres

Spellings are tested and reissued on a Monday so please ensure your child practices these at home, and brings their spelling book into school.

Reading is encouraged daily in school and I hope this encouragement is continued at home.

If you have any concerns or questions please let me know.

Thank you, Mrs Rawson


The last half term year 5 have been learning lots of new music genres and instruments. we have looked at the blues, Egyptian notation, south and west Africa and festival of colour.

The children have thrived during this time and I am sure if you ask them, they would be delighted to sing you one of our new songs.

Remembrance Work

Year 5 have been remembering the fallen soldiers and the sacrifice they made for us many years ago. We have been writing some poems, gaining our inspiration from the Poem 'Flanders Field'.

We then used watercolors to produce some 'Amazing' poppy pictures. This is our first piece of art in our new art books and I think you would agree they are stunning. 

Science - Earth and Space

Year 5 have been learning about Earth and Space throughout Autumn 1. We have learnt about the Solar System and what planets it contains. The children have embraced this topic and developed their knowledge along the way.

Asia - Volcanoes

Making the Volcano

Year 5 learnt how volcanoes are formed. Most of the world's volcanoes are found around the edges of tectonic plates, both on land and in the oceans. 

Painting the Volcano

Once year 5 had made the volcano, in pairs, with paper mache, they left them to dry and then painted them to make them look realistic. 

Exploding the Volcano

Finally, they used vinegar, baking soda and washing up liquid to cause a chemical reaction. This made the volcano look like it was exploding and was an exciting experiment for the children to complete. 

A warm welcome to the Year 5 page!

Our teacher is Mr Regan.

Our School Day begins at 8:30am and we finish at 3pm. 

We will come in and leave school through the playground doors.

Our learning this half term:

Literacy – We will be developing our reading comprehension, extended writing and spelling/vocabulary skills.

Numeracy – Place value, arithmetic and formal written methods.

Art – Painting and mixed media: 'I need space'

D&T – 'What could be healthier?'

ICT – Search engines and E-Safety

Spanish – Revision and spellings

Science – Light and Perception

Humanities – Conflict and Resolution (WW1 and WW2)

RE – Islamic beliefs and practices

Music - Songs of WW2

Reading is an especially important skill as the children progress through Upper Key Stage 2. Please ensure that your child is reading at home and they are keeping track in their reading diaries! Reading books and diaries must be brought in each day as the children will have the opportunity to independently read through the day.

Your child will have a weekly spelling test on a Friday. This is also when you child will be given their new spellings! The spellings will be based on words that they should be able to spell at their current stage of school!

We still have access to Century tech, Doodle and Times Table Rock Stars which are fantastic tools for boosting your child's learning, and topping up what they learn at school!

Your log in details are in the front of your home/school reading diary.

Coding our own game!

As part of our computing unit, we are going to be using a program called Scratch to learn about how code can be used to create all kinds of fun and unique pieces of software!

Before we begin using Scratch to create pieces of music, we followed a set of instructions to create a version of one of the oldest videogames, Pong. We learnt how each part needs code to work alongside each other, and how different commands can be adapted to suit what we wanted. There was plenty of troubleshooting as we made some mistakes, but we worked these out very quickly and had a great time play-testing them afterwards!

Newton's Disc!

Newton's Disc allows us to easily see how visible light is made up of various colours. Due to this, we had a go at creating one of our own. We segmented a disc of white card into 7 equal parts (for each of the colours of the rainbow), before gluing this onto a cardboard disc to give it some weight. We then poked two holes into the middle of the disc and threaded string through before tying the two ends together to make a loop. We were then ready to go!

We pulled the string until it was tight between our fingers with our disc in the middle. Spinning the disc to twist the string, we then moved our fingers towards each other and then back out to generate momentum on the disc. This made it spin really fast and we noticed the colours started to merge together! If our colours were pure, then we would have seen them merge together to make white. Even though our results weren't perfect, we loved the process and were fascinated by what we found!

Creating something from nothing!

After having a look at various pieces of installation art that use everyday objects to create a sculpture that tells a story, we collected a broad range of equipment from the PE store and set about creating some of our own. Creativity and imagination was needed for each part of the design process, from looking at the equipment available, to carefully arranging it to represent the final idea! We loved the creating our pieces and explaining it to the class afterwards!

Investigating Illusions

Our science topic sees us investigating how light affects the way we see things. In our first investigation, we had a look at what refraction is and what happens when light is refracted. We observed from different angles what happened when we placed various items from around the classroom in a glass of water. As you can see from some of our pictures, we found some incredible illusions as a result of refraction!

Harvest Festival 2022

After looking at why we celebrate Harvest, we began to look at what we may notice around this time of year. We picked out the change of colour in the leaves and how they fall from the trees, and so decided to recreate this effect using tissue paper for both the leaves and he tree trunk. We think they came out really well in the end!

We began by looking at the Chinese artist Cai Guo-qiang who chooses to use gunpowder as his 'go to' art material. When we created our own mini art gallery, although we couldn't use gunpowder, we were able to use paint soaked tea bags to create an 'explosive' effect instead. We combined this with using glue spreaders to splatter paint around a template to try and create some patterns on the walls and floor of the gallery too.

Although they were mini, our galleries certainly packed an 'artistic punch' with our bright colours and unique designs!

Watch this space!

This term our art topic has had us looking into the world of installation art. This style has artists filling an open space in a variety of different ways. Some artists choose to use sculptures to represent a story, whereas others use projections and videos to immerse those who go to witness the experience!

Take a look around our classroom!

This is our calm corner. If we need some time to reflect on our emotions we can sit here for a few moments of quiet!

Our maths area has everything we need to become fantastic mathematicians!

Our first topic this term is Conflict & Resolution. This will cover WW1 & WW2, two of Mr Regan's favourite topics!

Our reading corner is nice and cosy with a wonderful selection of engaging books!

Take a look at some of the work from our Y5's of last year.

ZooLab Visit

This term, we were lucky enough to have a visit from ZooLab. The children loved seeing some real animals in school and we are so grateful for the opportunity to not only see them but hold them! 

Stig of the dump

Our new class book for this half term is a firm favourite of mine, "Stig of the Dump". The book is a classic tale and the children have loved reading it so far. 

We are only 1 chapter in and the children are hooked already!

Recycling in a unique way.

After writing setting descriptions this week, the children used their knowledge of the first chapter of the book to re-create Stig's den at the chalk pit.

Can you spot the features mentioned in the book?

Thank you again to all the parents, carers and staff at school who helped our class to collect enough resources to create our dens. The children had a wonderful time and I think you'll agree, they turned out amazingly!

We started reading next to our new reading shed outside in our little playground.

Gold coin clay fun!

This Half term, we have been learning about Baghdad and the Middle East in our Humanities lessons (which are a mix of history and geography). The children have been really enjoying learning about the Markets of Baghdad and we wrote stories about a day trip to the markets. 

We then learnt about the currency people used. 

There were two main Islamic coins used in trade. The dinar was a gold coin, and the dirham was a silver coin. 

We looked at pictures of the Dinar coins and used clay to replicate them. Keep checking back on our page as once the clay is dry, the children will be painting their clay coins gold!

Building Earthquake proof buildings

To finish our Asia topic, we spent some time investigating different structures of buildings in countries who are prone to Earthquakes. Using spaghetti and marshmallows, we learnt that the triangular structures were more secure.

The children had so much fun trying to create the structures suggested to them and worked in pairs to complete them. It was lovely to see great teamwork!

Later in the day, the children were able to explore the galleries of the centre in small groups. 

The centre is full of amazing, interactive areas for the children to enjoy. There was too many opportunities for photos but here are some of our favourites.

Our first trip as a class!

This term, we were lucky enough to go to the National Space Centre in Leicester. The children were invited to a mars rover workshop where we programmed our own mars rovers to complete instructions and dodge obstacles. 

We also enjoyed an exciting planetarium show where we learnt all the things astronauts do to get ready for space. This inspired some excellent, quality writing at the end of term.

A special thank you to our headteachers who even treat us to a special gift bag to bring home with us that included a rubber, pencil, pen and lanyard.

A special mention to this costume. 

This child was inspired by 'The Warden' from the class book we have been using called 'Holes.' 

It was lovely to see something so different!

World Book day 2022!

Our favourite day of the year came around this week. The children were so excited to come to school dressed as their book character of choice.

As always, some of the costumes were amazing and we want to thank parents for their support with this event.

Our afternoon activity

The children were tasked with creating a pop up version of the character they had come dressed as (or someone else's if they were inspired). 

They decorate the inside pages with their favourite parts of the book they'd chosen. Then, they re-created the front cover and wrote a blurb to describe the book in their own words. 

Here's an example of an almost finished book.

In our ICT lessons this week, the children have been learning about the images sent home from Mars by the rover. 

They chose an image and used Google Sheets to create their own version.

Creating pixelated images in computing

Instructional writing in PE

In our indoor PE session this week, the children enjoyed using their creative skills. They were tasked with creating their own game using a random selection of equipment. 

They enjoyed thinking of and then writing up a set of rules for their game.

Once they were happy with them, the games were tried, tested and then improved. It was lovely to see them all working in a team!

We started by drawing a volcano design on a simple paper template.

We researched how they looked and watched some videos of how they look when they erupt. The children loved designing their own.

Once we were happy with our designs, our Teaching Assistant Mrs Rawson kindly laminated them for us so they wouldn't spoil during our experiment.

Then, we had to fill a cup with bicarbonate of soda and add vinegar. What happened next was a wonderful chemical reaction which caused the bubbles to explode over the top of the models we made.

Make sure you keep checking our page for updates

Here the children are, painting their creations. 

We used some scrap paper to keep the table clean and the children chose combinations of red, orange and yellow paints.

"Can we make our own model volcanoes?"

Of course!

The fun didn't stop there!

We then spent some time making a clay model of a volcano. We left them to dry over the holidays so we could paint them when we got back to school using the knowledge we had acquired. 

Getting to grips with Century Tech

Recently, our school has began to use a brand new learning platform called Century tech.

The children have been given their own log in and can log on to complete a range of activities. 

These activities might be a starter task, a challenge task or even something they are assigned to try complete at home. 

Year 5 have quickly become experts are are already always asking for more tasks to be assigned to them.

Take a close look at an example of extended writing we did this week. The children wrote a diary entry as the character Bruno who, in the film, left his family and hid from them in the walls of their house.

Año cinco amor Encanto!

The new Disney film Encanto has certainly been a hit with Year 5. So much so that we decided to base our writing from it this week.

We wrote an acrostic poem from the title of the film and explored the thoughts and feelings of one of the most complex members of the Madrigal family. 

Our Spanish teacher Senior Ruiz helped us to understand some of the Spanish words within the film and the children loved the chance to sing some of the songs in Spanish too!

Here you can read of the children's acrostic poems close up.

The children also enjoyed making the Madrigal family tree. They had learnt about family trees in an RE lesson previously and asked if they could draw one for the family in the film. Aren't the finished results amazing?

We had a lot of eggs that ended up smashed on the floor but some did make it!

Here are the children who managed to design a parachute that protected their egg

Mad science!

Our new curriculum in science allows lots of opportunities for children to consolidate and challenge learning through experimenting.

Take a look at our two most recent experiments linked to forces:

Painting in the style of Rorscharch

The children have been looking at influential pieces of art and significant artists. 

Rorscharch has a very unique and interesting style. They create mirror images.

The children had to splat paint onto one side of their page (which they'd split in half) before putting the two sides together. They then had to make art from the paint splatters created. All whilst ensuring it created a mirror image.

The children were really creative with what they made their paint splatters into. 

We talked about how the colours we used looked a little bit space like so a few children decided to have a galaxy theme.

Keep checking back on our webpage for more pictures of us replicating the styles of famous artists!