Welcome to Year 3 Miss Roberts

Hello everyone and welcome to our Year 3 page! 

our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Dunn and Mrs Dannatt

Our school day begins at 8.30am and finishes at 3.00pm

Playtime - 10.35am - 10.50am (please bring your own healthy snack)

Lunchtime - 12.15pm - 1.15pm

Expectations in our class in terms of behaviour, attitude and work are exceptionally high. Children will be challenged and stretched within a nurturing environment, there is no doubt that they will reach their full potential. We will be covering some really interesting topics.

What are we learning about this half term?

Summer term 2 - 2024

Science:  Forces and Magnets

RE:  Hinduism              

PSHE: Health & Wellbeing

History:  Ancient Egypt

Geography:  Europe

English — Reading Comprehension, Grammar, Writing and Spelling

Our Reading River book for Summer term is Arthur and the Golden Rope

Maths — In Maths we follow the AET scheme of work.  Within Maths lessons there will be arithmetic and times tables practice.

Our Curriculum

Our History, Geography and Science subjects follow the Ark Curriculum.  Their mission is to empower teachers to give every young person, regardless of their background, the subject knowledge and skills that will allow them to succeed. 

If you would like to read about any of these further please see our curriculum tab at the top of our website. 

Kapow Primary- We follow Kapow curriculum in Music, Art & Design, Design & Technology & Computing. 

Discovery RE - This is a scheme of work designed to broaden children's understanding of world religions through question based learning.  Each year group has their own Discovery RE Owl.  Our Owl is called Huey.

PE Hub - We follow PE hub in PE - Please come to school in your PE kit (outdoor) every Monday Friday and remember to tie your hair back and remove any jewellery!  Your PE kit should be a track suit or black shorts and a white t shirt please.  

Design & Technology



We celebrated our love of reading today, just like we do every day.   You can see we all looked amazing.  We had such a wonderful day that was full of great activities.

World Book Day - Made with Clipchamp_1709830432993.mp4

Chinese New Year

 Visit from the ZooLab

We had a great time when the ZooLab came to visit us.   We met:

a giant African snail

Twiggy the stick insect

Turbo the Madagascan hissing cockroach

Tilly the tarantula

Noodle the corn snake

Splat the  Australian tree frog

ZooLab - Made with Clipchamp_1706115269044.mp4


Our learning:

Christmas 23 - Made with Clipchamp_1704903512684.mp4

Christmas 2023

We had the most wonderful time making cards, decorations, calendars, retelling The Christmas Story, singing Christmas songs, taking part in The Barnsley Hospice Rudolph Run and much much more! 

Our Christmas performance was amazing!

Remembrance Day

Vincent van Gogh

Every half term we will be focussing on a different artist and some of their most famous art work. This half term we chose to look at Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh.   We found out some interesting facts about him and then we re created the famous painting, using oil pastels and chalk.  They look fantastic!

Harvest Preparations

We had a super time at Weston Park Museum

Weston Park Museum.mp4

Stone, Bronze and Iron Age

Our reading river book for Autumn Term 1 is Fearless Fairy Tales.  

The stories are great and we are really enjoying them.

Here are some photographs of our learning environment


We encourage parents to read with and listen to their child read for a short time every day. Enjoying books is a lovely thing to do together. Reading books and diaries are expected to be in school every day, to allow us to read with your child and change books as necessary. 


Spellings will be given out each week on Friday. It is important that children practice their spellings at home ready for their test the week after.  Spelling books will stay in school and your child will receive a weekly spelling sheet to practice them at home ready for their test every Friday. 

Remember to use Spelling Shed! 

REMEMBER to use Times Table Rock Stars, Doodle and Spelling Shed.