Personal Development

We have a vision for Remarkable Personal Development to build and develop on each student's character and aspirations to support their academic and personal development.  Through a planned programme of activities, Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance all students will gain the tools and language to make informed decisions; explore issues relevant to society and develop the values, skills, attitudes and knowledge to become successful young adults. 

Be Unusually Brave

Students will be challenged to be brave through exposure to a variety of new experiences; encounters and competitions which will support their personal development and help to create lasting memories.

Discover What's Possible

Students will develop the values, skills, attitudes, and knowledge during their time at the Academy to become successful young adults.

Push the Limits

Students will gain the tools and language to drive their passion and ambitions towards a successful future. We resolve to overcome any self-imposed limits.

Be Big-Hearted 

Students personal development will be framed within the local and global context and community.