

Nian N. Ameen a and Ameer A. Ali b

a Department of Surgery, College of Medicine, University of Sulaimani. 

b Faruk Medical Group. 


Submitted: 13/8/2017; Accepted: 28/11/2017; Published 21/12/2017

DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.17656/jsmc.10142 



Anorectal Malformation (ARM) is a well recognized condition that involves congenital anomalies of the anus and rectum. It may present as a single or as a combination of abnormalities.


The aim of this study is to describe some epidemiologic data on anorectal malformation, estimating it’s prevalence in Sulaimani province, and characterizing the cases with regards to age at presentation, gender, pathological classification, associated anomalies, postoperative complication, and mortality rate.

Materials and Methods

This descriptive epidemiological study extended from Mach 2006 to March 2016, including all of patients presented with ARM in pediatric surgical unit at Sulaimani Teaching Hospital.


The total cases were 194 patients (122 male and 72 females). 92% presented on the first week of life. 44.2% had associated anomalies. The prevalence rate is 6.4 cases per 10 000 live birth. Stomal complications are the most common post operative complication. The mortality rate is 8.24%. The relation between mortality and associated anomalies was statistically analyzed. 


The associated malformations rate and types are almost the same as in the literatures; however the prevalence rate was higher. This confirms the presence of geographic variation in ARM incidence, but could not confirm that the chemical attack or environmental impact of wars in this region had effects on increasing the rate of ARM due to lack of previous studies.


Anorectal Malformation (ARM), Imperforate anus (IA).


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