

Ismaeel Hama Ameen *, Sarmad Khalid Tahir ** and Saywan Hayas Saeed **

*   Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Sulaimani.

** Sulaimani Teaching Surgical Hospital, Directorate of Health, Sulaimani, Iraq.

Submitted: 24/11/2014; Accepted: 12/5/2015; Published 1/12/2015

DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.17656/jsmc.10073 



Overactive bladder syndrome (OAB) is a highly prevalent condition. Urodynamics have long been the only option, and still remain the gold standard, for examining people with OAB complaints and composing an appropriate treatment plan. Alternatives for this invasive, expensive, and time-consuming examination have been explored


To review if bladder wall thickness (BWT) and bladder trabeculations could be a more objective and easier measurement that potentially could diagnose overactive bladder.

Patients and Methods

Twenty six patients with overactive bladder underwent an urodynamic study for assessing detrusor muscle activity in Department of Urology at Sulaimaniya Teaching Hospital, from July 2009 to October 2009. Further investigations were performed including ultrasonography of the bladder to determine mean bladder wall thickness and cystourethroscopy for detecting the grade of the bladder trabeculation.


There is no significant correlation between mean bladder wall thickness and bladder trabculations with detrusor action analysis (in filling or voiding phase) of urodynamic study.


We cannot depend on increased mean bladder wall thickness or bladder trabeculations for diagnosis of overactive bladder without urodynamic study.


Overactive bladders (OAB), Urodynamic, mean bladder wall thickness, Bladder trabeculation.


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