

Gulala Ibrahim Qader a 

a  Department of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, University of Sulaimani, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.


Submitted: 25/8/2020; Accepted: 25/2/2021; Published: 21/6/2021

DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.17656/jsmc.10300 



Rosacea is a common, chronic relapsing disease, characterized by erythema, telangiectasias, inflammatory papule, and pustule mainly on the mid-face for which many therapies may exist but with limited efficacy. Tranexamic acid is an anti-fibrinolytic drug that acts by inhibiting the action of plasmin and is mainly used to reduce bleeding. Erythromycin is one of the macrolide antibiotics that acts by inhibiting bacterial protein synthesis and in addition to this action it has an immune modulatory effect.


To evaluate the effects of tranexamic acid solution in the treatment of rosacea and compare it with erythromycin gel. 


In this study, thirty (30) patients were included, twenty-three patients were women and 7 of them were men, their ages ranged between 28-50 years old with signs and symptoms of rosacea. The patients were grouped into 2 groups; the first group was treated with a derma pen simultaneously with a tranexamic acid solution (Transamin inj/sol 500 mg/5ml) topical application followed by infused wet dressing for 15 minutes, every 7 days for five (5) sessions. The second group was treated with erythromycin gel twice daily for 5 weeks.


At the end of the study all the patients were improved, the improvement was outlined according to the investigator Global Assessment of Rosacea Severity Score (IGA-RSS) and the use of clinical photos. There was a statistically significant improvement (2) units IGA-RSS for tranexamic acid group and (2,8) units for erythromycin gel.


A tranexamic acid solution is a safe, simple, and cheap treatment option for rosacea. It is also as effective as an erythromycin antibiotics to relieve the symptoms of rosacea.


Tranexamic acid; Rosacea; Erythromycin.


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