

Ahmed Mohammed Salih a

a Duhok Medical Research Center, University of Duhok, Kurdistan Region, Iraq.

Submitted: 1/1/2019; Accepted: 1/12/2020; Published: 21/12/2020

DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.17656/jsmc.10269 



One-third of the world’s population is estimated to have latent tuberculosis infection. There is a well-documented association between diabetes and active tuberculosis, but evidence of the association between diabetes combined with other factors and latent tuberculosis infection remains limited and inconsistent. 


The study aimed at evaluating the association between diabetes linked to other risk factors with the latent tuberculosis infection. 

Patients and Methods

In the present cross-sectional study, 385 diabetic patients were enrolled between the period of May 2016 and May 2017 at Shilan private hospital labs- Duhok city. Of these, 282 patients accepted to participate. The delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction to Mycobacterium tuberculosis was evaluated by the tuberculin skin test (TST). This test involved the intradermal injection of 5 tuberculin units per test dose of 0.1 mL of purified protein derivative (Mantoux). Out of the 282 patients, 205 patients completed the TST evaluation and 77 patients did not.


Of the 205 diabetes mellitus patients completed the study, 33 (16.1%) patients showed latent tuberculosis infection, and 2 (0.9%) patients had active tuberculosis (TB) (one pulmonary TB and one TB lymphadenitis). As a result, 203 diabetic patients were included in this study. The majorities of the patients were older than 50 years (66.50%) and they were females (69.95%). Diabetic patients with latent tuberculosis infection were significantly associated with injectable or combination antidiabetic therapy, and also with smoking. No significant association with other variables was found. 


The presence of diabetes mellitus did not significantly affect the rate of latent tuberculosis infection on its own. However, when diabetes mellitus was linked with injectable, combined antidiabetic, or smoking, the rate of latent tuberculosis infection has shown to be significantly increased.


LTBI; Diabetes mellitus; TST.


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