

Mohammed j. Raoof  a

a Ophthalmology resident at MVZ Dr. Hessemer At Martinspfad Str. 72, 64285, Darmstadt, Germany. 

Submitted: 1/1/2019; Accepted: 1/12/2020; Published: 21/12/2020

DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.17656/jsmc.10272 



Dietary intake assessment methods have an important role in evaluating dietary intake. Choosing the appropriate one is a big challenge as no particular one of them is appropriately designed to give 100% accurate results. The 7-day weighed records are regarded as the gold standard method, results are more accurate when comparing them with energy expenditure measurement of doubly labeled water (DLW) and urinary nitrogen excretion. On the other hand, 24-hour dietary recall is regarded as an easy and non-expensive method but memory dependable.


Comparing two dietary intake assessment methods, 7-day weighed record, and 24-hour dietary recall in terms of nutrient intake, looking at the cons and pros of each and finding the correlation between them. 


Twenty-four-hour dietary recall was taken through an interview between a couple of subjects, the interviewer asked details questions about food intake and portion size of the subject`s last 24 hours then each exchanged their role. Regarding 7-day dietary weighed records, a weight scale was used by the subjects to weigh every food before consumption for 7 days. Also, duplicate diet energy contents were calculated through some complex chemical procedures.


Results showed a strong correlation in carbohydrate, protein, fiber & iron intake of both methods (P. <0.05), however correlation of energy, fat & calcium were not statistically significant between the two methods (P. >0.05). 


No method is the perfect one and more studies are necessary to make dietary intake assessment methods more accurate and effective.


7-day weighed record; 24-hour dietary recall; Reference nutrient intake; Duplicate diet method.


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