July 11, 1016

Post date: Jul 2, 2016 2:26:18 PM

Thomas Edison once wrote,

“My success is due more to my ability to work continuously on one thing without stopping than to any other single quality.”

How about you?

When you are working on an important project, a big presentation, or your #1 priority for the day, do you stay focused until you have completed that task?

Or do you allow yourself to fall into the dark, deep, life-sucking vortex of multi-tasking… and kidding yourself that you are working hard.

Oh sure, lots of movement, but little achievement.

There’s a reason texting and driving is illegal.

Cognitively you become 6X more impaired than if you were driving illegally drunk.

When you do it you are risking your own life as well as the life of others.

The same cognitive impairment happens when you multitask.

When you do it you put your success and progress at risk each time you turn your eyes to other tasks and distractions (emails, texts, hallway chats, etc).

My challenge for you is to stop multitasking and just GET FOCUSED.

This post is directly from http://www.darrendaily.com/dont-stop/