Zones of Regulation- Green Zone

Post date: Apr 21, 2017 3:43:15 PM

This week in social group, we started a brief introduction to the Zones of Regulation curriculum. This classifies emotions into four colors.

Zone Colors:

  • Blue- when your body is running slow (tired, sick, bored)
  • Green- when your body is "good to go" (happy, calm, and focused)
  • Yellow- when your body is starting to lose control (frustrated, silly, worried)
  • Red- when your body is out of control (terror, aggression, elation)

We focused on the green zone today and made a poster of the emotions related to being "good to go" for learning!

We discussed each emotion in the green zone and what it means.

Each week we will focus on a different zone, next week we will talk about the blue zone!