08. Computers, the Network, and Other Technologies

The New School strives to be a community in which all act responsibly. This expectation of responsibility includes the use of technology, since our network, computers, printers, multi-media equipment, digital cameras, and other technologies are community property.

The school is equipped with Macs, PCs, Chromeboxes. Computers are available in each classroom, in the four computer labs, and in the media center library. Students are encouraged to bring their laptops and use Google Drive for easy access to documents. Students who misuse their tablets and laptops may lose the privilege of using them at school.

We recognize that many students carry cell phones; however, you must keep your phone turned off or silenced, and out of sight during and between classes and they should not be connected to the school’s wireless system. You may only use your phone before and after school, between classes, during lunch, and during Essential Time (ET). If a teacher or administrator takes your phone because you did not comply with these terms, come to the office to pick it up at the end of the day.

You may only turn use your personal computer tablet, or other mobile devices, including your phone, during class per direction from your teacher and/or during lunch or ET. Please carefully read our computer use policies for more complete information.